Page 70 of One More Chance

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Actually, this was the longest she’d ever gone without discussing her job, her research, or upcoming projects she hoped to work on.

Hadn’t even thought about it, really.

That’s got to be a sign...

“Hey,” he said quietly. “You’re frowning.” They were stepping off the elevator and walking to their room. “What’s going on?”

“I was just thinking about how this has been the longest I’ve ever gone without thinking or worrying about my job.”

Mick opened the door for her and then followed her in. “And judging by the look on your face, that’s a bad thing?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I was frowning.” Tossing her purse on the sofa, she turned to face him. “It’s a sign, isn’t it?”

He looked at her warily. “A sign for what? I mean, other than the obvious.”

“What’s the obvious?”

“That you needed this break, Sienna. You’ve been working yourself too hard and needed some serious time away from everything, just like I did.”

“Yeah, but you still worked,” she reminded him.

“I did not!”

“Oh, please! Yes, you did! You planned this whole thing, which is totally in your typical job description. Then we hung out with Shaughnessy...”

“That was all for pleasure,” he argued. “There was nothing...”

“Don’t you dare stand there and tell me you didn’t talk about new music or scheduling studio time because I was sitting right there when you did!” she said with a laugh. “And then there was the whole Simon Bennett thing...”

He held up both his hands in surrender. “You’re right, you’re right. I did mix business and pleasure on this trip. But believe me when I say this is the most time I’ve taken away from my usual schedule. Ask anyone.”

Kicking off her sneakers, she shook her head. “I’m not asking anyone anything,” she said before walking over and sitting on the edge of their bed. “Honestly, I’m just being thankful for everything you did for us and how you allowed me to indulge in things that I never let myself indulge in.”

Slowly, he stalked her from across the room, kicking off his sneakers as he went. When he was standing before her, he pulled his shirt up over his head and tossed it aside. Sienna’s hands instantly smoothed up over his stomach and chest. She loved touching him.

“What would you like to indulge in next, princess?”

She felt her cheeks heat, but she loved their sexy banter.

“Getting naked and having that full-body massage,” she told him, her voice a little breathless.

Mick got down on his knees in front of her and took her foot in his hands. “I believe I promised you a foot massage first.” His grin was downright wicked, and his hands were like magic. “I promise we’ll get you naked soon.”

She moaned with delight before pulling her shirt off, just like he had. Her bra was white lace and she toyed with whether to leave it on or take it off.

As if reading her mind, he said, “Take it off.”

And she did.

The man was very good at everything he did, but he was exceptionally talented in the seduction department. While his lips and tongue teased her breasts, his hands kept massaging her feet. Sienna squirmed in her spot on the bed, eager to get undressed, but Mick kept her there for several minutes until she was begging for more.

“Should I order room service now?” he asked, slowly coming to his feet and tugging her up with him. Then he began kissing his way down her body, sliding her jeans off as he went. “Or should we...wait?”

Her hands anchored in his glorious head of hair. “You can think about food right now?” she panted.

“Sweetheart, I have my sweet treat right here.” And to prove it, he placed a kiss right over her panties.

“Later,” she moaned. “Room service. Much later. Need you. Now...”
