Page 71 of One More Chance

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She expected it to be wild and frantic, hard and fast. Instead, Mick got to his feet again and gently guided her back onto the bed and made love to her with more tenderness than she ever imagined.

And it was everything.

They were on the road by eleven the next morning after having a leisurely breakfast in bed. Neither had wanted to get up—well, Sienna hadn’t—but personally, Mick couldn’t wait to get home. The trip had been amazing and he really enjoyed himself, but he was ready to be back in his own place and know he wasn’t leaving for a while.

At least...he didn’t think he was.

Getting Sienna back to his place in Malibu was crucial at this point. They had been avoiding having the deep conversation that they both knew they needed to have, and it wasn’t going to happen while they were traveling. For all he knew, they were going to give this long-distance thing a try, and he was going to be packing up and heading to Durham with her for a few weeks. He didn’t want to lose her and he didn’t want to see her leave, but he knew she had a life to get back to.

In his head he knew that, but his heart was another matter.

Just thinking about watching her walk away gave him an ache so deep that it felt like a part of him was dying. He hated the thought of everything they had built in these last weeks just ending.

Beside him, Sienna was tapping out something on her phone.

“Talking to Eleanor?”

Nodding, she said, “I sent her a bunch of pictures and I’m glad I got her the sequined Minnie Mouse ears because she said they looked like something she would wear.” Looking up at him, she smiled. “I’m planning on wearing mine when I go to visit her and then giving her the ones I bought for her and getting some pictures of the two of us being silly. No one at work will believe it.”

“You’re going to have to send me a copy too. I kind of feel like I know Eleanor already, but I’ve never even seen a picture of her.” He considered asking to fly home with her and using the excuse of meeting her friend—and he still might—but he wanted to wait until they had a chance to talk.

“We never took any pictures,” she said. “I mean me and Eleanor. We’ve traveled to conferences together and worked together for years and there isn’t one single picture of the two of us. I plan on rectifying that when I get home. I just hate that it’s taken so long...and something so sad to make us do it.”

Reaching for her hand, he lifted it to his lips and kissed it. “I’m glad we took so many pictures these last two weeks. I can’t wait to go through them all. I want to get one of those digital picture frames and upload all of them on it so I’ll always have a running slideshow of our trip.”

“Oh, my goodness! What a great idea! I want one too!”

Again, he wanted to point out how she wouldn’t need one of her own if she just stayed with him, but he held his tongue. Instead, he said, “Then I’ll be sure to make one for you.”

“Thank you,” she said sweetly, before yawning loudly. “Oh, sorry! I feel like I could sleep for a week.”

Part of him smiled with pure male pride. Sure, they could blame her exhaustion on their whirlwind trip, but Mick preferred to believe his seductive skills in the bedroom were really to blame.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it...

“We’ll be home in about forty-five minutes,” he told her. “So why don’t you put your phone away, close your eyes, and rest?”

“As appealing as that sounds, I’d feel too guilty.”

Her words said one thing, but she put her phone away and seemed to twist a bit in her seat to get more comfortable.

“Tell me about what we’re seeing here on this drive. Any touristy spots I should notice?”

Laughing softly, he shook his head. “Not really. We’re going to go through L.A. and you saw a lot of that earlier in the trip. You’ve already seen the good stuff.”

“Mmm...” she hummed softly and yawned again. “And it was awesome.”

“Sleep, princess. I’ll wake you when we get home.”

“No,” she protested sleepily. “Talk to me. Please. I love the sound of your voice.”

He had a feeling all the talking would do was really put her to sleep, but he figured he’d do as she asked.

“Did I ever tell you about the time we were going to get sued because Shaughnessy pulled out of a benefit concert?”

She shook her head.

“It’s a funny story. Well, now it’s funny, but basically it was Paige’s father threatening to sue us. Dylan was all banged up from a car accident...”
