Page 80 of One More Chance

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There were so many things she needed to do, and yet it felt like her entire body was disjointed and she couldn’t seem to do even the simplest tasks. She knocked her mug onto the floor and when she turned to get it, her satchel fell over and dumped out everywhere. When she went to stand after gathering everything, she hit her head on the corner of her desk.

And then she just dropped to the floor and cried.

It was best that she get this initial meltdown out of the way before heading over to the hospital, but she had a feeling this was only going to be the first of many today. Hugging her knees to her chest, she let herself cry because her heart was breaking.

And that’s how Mick found her.

“Sienna!” Dropping to his knees in front of her, he pulled her into his arms. “What’s going on? Are you hurt?”

She shook her head. “Eleanor...”

Muttering a curse, he slowly sat on the floor beside her and maneuvered her into his lap. He didn’t offer any empty words or try to tell her how she should be feeling or what she should be thinking, he just held her. As much as she had been telling herself that she thought it was unnecessary for him to fly all this way here and how they should be able to get through two weeks apart, she was beyond relieved that he was here with her right now.

It took several minutes, but she finally lifted her head and looked at him. “I need to get to the hospital,” she said, caressing his jaw. “They don’t expect her to make it through the day.”

Together, they carefully got to their feet and he helped her gather her things. “Is there anyone you need to speak to before we go?” he asked.

Shaking her head, she accepted his hand. “I’ll text everyone on the way over.”

Silently, they rode the elevator down to the first floor, and she was surprised when she saw the town car waiting for them.


“You’re not driving,” he said firmly, opening the door for her and following her in.

Nodding, she sat and then gave the driver the address for the hospital. Mick held her hand, and it was the only thing keeping her together right now. It was a short drive and as she watched the passing scenery, she almost wished it were longer. But as they pulled up to the hospital, she knew there was something important she needed to say.

Turning her head, she said, “I’d really like it if you came in with me.”

When he went to comment, she cut him off.

“I know what I said last night, but...that was just me trying to stick to our agreement of not caving.” Sighing, she added, “I thought I would be okay handling this on my own, but now that it’s happening, I don’t want to be by myself.”

“You never have to be,” he said gruffly before helping her out of the car.

What came after that was kind of surreal.

Sienna was used to being independent; she had no issues starting at a new school or a new job or going to conferences, conventions, or even to dinner by herself. It was the norm for her, so having someone beside her like this was...different. Comforting. And never in her life had she been more thankful for another person.

Outside of Eleanor’s room, she paused. Mick didn’t question it, didn’t ask if anything was wrong. He just knew that she needed a moment.

Lifting her hand to his lips, he kissed her. “I’ll wait out here so you can have time with her.”

“I want you to meet her,” she whispered. “And if she’s awake, I know she’d love to meet you.” It was something they had talked about—she and Eleanor—when Sienna had come to see her when she got home.

“Whatever you think is best,” he said before letting her lead him into the room.

There was a nurse sitting beside the bed, and she smiled when they walked in. “You must be Sienna,” she said.

Smiling, she nodded. “And you must be Debbie. Thank you so much for reaching out to me. I got here as fast as I could.”

They all looked toward the bed. “She’s woken up a few times and asked for you. She’s on a lot of morphine, but hopefully you can talk to her and she’ll know you’re here.”

Moving next to the bed, she reached for her friend’s hand and almost sagged with relief when her eyes fluttered open. “Hey,” she said quietly. “I brought someone here to meet you.”

Eleanor opened her eyes a little wider and instantly focused on Mick.

Then she smiled.
