Page 89 of One More Chance

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They had made some progress on things, however. They decided not to put any house on the market until after the holidays—mainly because they were going to have to figure out all the logistics of his upcoming work schedule. Sienna had been very vocal about how she didn’t want them living in her townhouse, because it was so small compared to everything he owned, and he hated that she felt inferior because of him. He didn’t care how small her place was, as long as they were together, he’d love it. Hell, as long as they were under the same roof and able to sleep in the same bed at the end of the day, he’d be freaking ecstatic.

It was crazy how he’d gone twenty-three years without her, and now it had only been two weeks and he was ready to lose his mind with missing her.

His friends would probably laugh at him if they saw him now—carrying on and being all pissy because he missed his girl. Not to mention how he was willing to pack up and move across the country to be with her.

He remembered giving Riley, Matt, and Julian grief when they did the same thing for their girls, and now look at him.

“They’ll find out eventually, but... maybe I’ll wait before sharing the news,” he murmured as he straightened in his seat and picked up the contract he had tossed aside earlier.

There was a knock on his office door, and he looked up as his assistant walked in. “Hey, sorry to bother you, but there’s someone here to see you.”

Mick looked at her like she was crazy. “Seriously, Lynn?” he asked. “You know I never see anyone without an appointment. Especially right now! I’ve got enough to do if I’m going to be out of here in time for Thanksgiving!”

She nodded. “I’m aware, but this is an exception and I didn’t think you’d mind.”

It was unreasonable for him to growl and shove everything off his desk in frustration, but it took a herculean effort not to do just that.

As if sensing his thoughts, Lynn gave him a knowing grin.

“Okay, fine,” he grumbled. “Whatever.”

All she did was give him a serene smile as she leaned against the door.

“I hope I’m not interrupting...”

“Sienna!” He nearly fell out of his chair at the sight of her. “What are you doing here?” Mick was instantly on his feet and had her in his arms in the blink of an eye.

“Like I said, I figured you wouldn’t mind,” Lynn commented before walking out the door and closing it behind her.

There were at least a dozen questions he wanted to ask, but he was too busy kissing Sienna to even ask one of them. Lifting her up, he carried her over to the sofa that lined one wall and set them both down on it. When she breathlessly pulled back and smiled at him, he swore all was right in the world again.

“I don’t understand. What are you doing here?”

“I’m coming home,” she told him.

“Um... what?”

Nodding, she wiggled in his lap to get comfortable. “Several things occurred to me when I got home a few weeks ago,” she began. “First, I really didn’t like where I lived.”

“Sienna... we’ve been over this. We were going to look for something together.”

“No, no, I realize that, but it wasn’t just the townhouse. I didn’t like where I lived in general. I’ve been there for the last ten years and it’s fine and there are a lot of great things about it, but it never felt like home.” Reaching up, she caressed his jaw. “Home is where you are.”

He knew exactly what she meant. “I was coming to you. I was flying out tomorrow.”

“I know, but... this is where you need to be. We both know that,” she told him. “It meant the world to me that you were willing to make the move so I wouldn’t have to, but... it’s unnecessary.”

“But... your job?”

“I handed in my resignation.”


She nodded. “Funny story. Remember the night we met up at Carmine’s?”


“Well, before I left my hotel, I was looking over an offer I had gotten. For a book.”
