Page 90 of One More Chance

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“A book?”

“Yes, a book. I had pitched an idea to a literary agent a while ago and received an offer on it. My plan was to think it over while I was on vacation, but then you came along and the only thing I thought about was you. Us. This.” She gave him a loud smacking kiss before pulling back. “Anyway, a few days after Eleanor’s funeral, I was looking around and realized I still hadn’t put all the luggage away from our trip. So I was sorting through one of the suitcases and found that book proposal packet in one of my bags.”

“You never mentioned anything about writing...”

“Honestly, I didn’t think about it even once from the moment I saw you in the restaurant,” she said softly and he loved how her cheeks flushed at the admission.

“So what happens now? Did you talk to the publisher?”

Nodding, she said, “Of course I reached out to them immediately and profusely apologized for taking so long to get back to them and promptly accepted their offer.” She shrugged. “So, I’m going to work on my book.”

“That’s amazing!”

“It’s something I secretly always wanted to do, but I needed a little nudge.”

He grinned. “And you got one?”

With another nod, she carefully maneuvered off of his lap and walked over to the satchel she had dropped when he lifted her into his arms minutes ago. When she sat back down beside him, she reached into the bag and pulled out a book. “This was my nudge.”

“Our Adventure Book?” He looked at her quizzically.

“Remember all the texts and pictures I sent to Eleanor?”


“She turned them into a project,” she said quietly. “A final gift to me.” Reaching over, she opened the book and began helping him flip through the pages. When they were done, she let him read the letter her friend had included in it.

Chuckling softly, he looked at her. “Do you think I have a sexy, rock star swagger?”

Fortunately, she laughed with him. “Oh, no. I don’t think your ego needs stroking that badly.”

There was a dirty comeback on the tip of his tongue, but he kept it to himself.

“The funny thing is that I got this the same night I found the book proposal. I took that as a sign. And the more I thought about it, the more I envisioned myself sitting out on the deck of your house here in Malibu and listening to the waves crashing while I wrote all the words. So... if it’s alright with you, I’d really like to move here.”

He was fairly certain his eyes were comically wide. “Are you kidding? It’s more than alright! When? When can we make this happen?”

With a soft sigh, she rested her head on his shoulder. “I put my place up for sale three days ago and already have multiple offers. I just have to schedule the movers, so...”

This girl...

“When do you have to go back? Do you need to be there to oversee it all?”

“I figured you and I could talk about that tonight over dinner and celebrate.” Standing, she slowly walked around his office. When she stopped, she gave him a sexy grin. “How soundproof are these walls?”

Laughing, Mick shook his head. “No idea. I never tested them out.”

Her smile grew. “Good answer.”

Getting to his feet, he walked over and took her hand in his. “How about we test it out together?”

She giggled. “I don’t want to traumatize your assistant. She seems like a lovely woman.”

“Lynn’s the best and has known me for far too long. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say she’s already a step ahead of us.”


“Meaning she’s away from the outer office and making sure everyone else is, too.”
