Page 93 of One More Chance

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Slowly, Mick came to his feet and then kneeled down beside her. And if Sienna thought she was shocked before, it was nothing compared to how she felt right now.

“Sienna Ashley, I love you. I am so damn lucky that we found one another again, and that we finally have our chance to have a life together. We’ve worked out logistics and careers and homes, and now... our potential family. But more than anything, I want to have all of that with you as my wife.” He reached into his pocket and held out the most gorgeous ring she’d ever seen. “Will you marry me?”

“You have no idea how much I hate that I’m sitting here in a robe with a towel on my head,” she said with a shaky laugh, “but... yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!”

And in typical fashion, they sealed it with a kiss.

When they broke apart and Mick sat back down, he reached under the table and pulled out a beautifully wrapped box. It was definitely larger than a jewelry box—the size of a shirt box—but when he handed it to her, it was certainly heavier than a shirt.

“What is this?” she asked with a small laugh.

“Open it.”

Sienna studied it for a moment—the shiny white paper and the gorgeous pink bow—it was almost too pretty to open.


“Oh, hush. I was just admiring your handiwork.” Then she paused. “Although I have a feeling you didn’t wrap this yourself.”

“Trust me. If I had wrapped it myself, you would have noticed and cringed. I know my strengths.”

“Good to know.” Carefully, she took the bow off and then unwrapped the box. He stood and took the paper from her and immediately tossed it in the nearest trash can. When she lifted the lid and moved the tissue paper aside, she got a strange sense of déjà vu.

And then felt her smile grow.

“Our Adventure Book?” she asked as she looked up at him.

“I figured it wouldn’t hurt to be prepared to start documenting this next phase of our lives. Our next adventure.”

“I really love the sound of that.”

Standing, she kissed him and led him into the bedroom so they could start on that next adventure right now.

New Year’s Eve, Las Vegas...

“I never thought I’d see the day...”

“After all this time...”

“I kind of feel like we should be giving him way more shit about this...”

“Knock it off, knock it off. Can’t you see he’s freaking out?” Riley Shaughnessy said to his friends and bandmates as he playfully fixed Mick’s tie. “Now it’s our turn to swoop in and make sure everything runs smoothly.” And with a wink, he took a step back. “You’ve trained us well.”

Mick wanted to roll his eyes, but he was actually very touched that Riley, Dylan, Matt, and Julian—along with their wives—had taken the time to be here with him.

“You sure you’re ready?” Julian asked with a grin.

“More than,” Mick replied. “I’ve waited my whole damn life for this moment.”

“Is there anything you need?” Dylan asked. “Anything you forgot?”

He shook his head. “I promised Sienna that everything was under control, and it is.”

“Hmm...” Matt said as he fixed his boutonniere. “Now just to be clear, we’re all allowed to kiss the bride after you say I Do, right?”

Laughing, Mick reached over and smacked him upside the head. “No one’s kissing my beautiful bride but me.”
