Page 19 of Bayou Beloved

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“I don’t see the problem.” Remy Guidry had been a couple of years ahead of him and Rene. Both he and Armie had left Papillon for many years before coming back to raise their families. Armie had come home and run for sheriff while Remy had come back to take over his family’s bar and grill. “I say good for Geraldine. I hope I’m as comfortable with myself as she is when I’m her age. I know I definitely don’t want anyone telling me what I can do behind the confines of my own fence.”

The new guy sat back, his cards still in hand. Landon Price was a deputy with the county. He’d taken Major Blanchard’s place when the former deputy had married and requested a leave of absence to spend time with his father. No one actually believed Major would come back. He would follow his wife out into the world.

“But the problem is, it’s not behind her fence.” Landon was a transplant from Beaumont, but he’d fit right into the Cajun community. “She’s got this weird yard that slopes down. She told me it was something about flooding and she had to have the patio raised so the water would flow into the creek that runs between her and the gas station. The gas station is also raised, so you can see right into her backyard. She’s fully on display, and now her friends are, too.”

“She didn’t use to be.” Quaid felt the need to argue his client’s point. Not that he was going to get paid. Jayna at least was going to get gas out of this case. “She used to have the natural protection of the tree. Jimmy took that tree down so he wouldn’t have to pay for yearly pruning. It used to completely block any view of Geraldine’s backyard.”

Armie frowned his way. “I thought you were Jimmy’slawyer. Didn’t you successfully plead his case? I thought he had the right to take the tree down.”

Quaid shrugged. “He did and I was. Jimmy has found other counsel for this case and I am representing Geraldine, so I will tell you all that while Jimmy’s actions were legal, they, like all actions, have consequences. For some reason the parish has a rule stating that no fence can be more than eight feet tall.”

Rene mucked his cards, choosing not to call Remy’s bet. “That happened because way back when, Gene’s father decided to secede from the United States and built his own wall around his farm and then had to be evacuated because he put the lock on the wrong side. That wall was twenty feet tall and he couldn’t climb it. So the former city council put in the ordinance. Geraldine’s fence is eight feet tall but because of the slope it sits somewhat below her deck.”

“So change the ordinance or give her an exception.” It was precisely what he’d talked about with Geraldine today. When she hadn’t been napping, she’d agreed that being able to build a twelve-foot fence would give her the privacy she required. Of course, she wanted Jimmy Abbot to pay for it, and that was why they would end up in court again.

The judge was going to get irritable if it prevented him from getting his fishing in.

“You know why Sylvie can’t encourage that outcome,” Rene argued. “I think in this case the law needs to weigh in.”

Armie took a swig of beer. “I did. I went out to Geraldine’s, asked her a couple of questions, and came to the conclusion that she’s not breaking the law.”

Remy nodded his approval. “That’s very forward thinking of you, Sheriff.”

“Yeah, well, we’ll see how forward things get now that she’s invited a bunch of friends from the assisted living home to join her.” Landon pushed a couple of chips towardthe pot. “Jimmy is going to get dicks on display in a couple of days.”

And the result would be the same because most people didn’t fully understand obscenity laws in Louisiana. “Nudity is only illegal if the person is baring their genitals or breasts with the intent to titillate the public. Geraldine is choosing to be naked in her own backyard, which has a regulation-height fence. She gets into her hot tub to enjoy the benefits of the spa for her arthritis. Most law enforcement would arrest her anyway, but Armie appreciates the full extent of the law.”

Armie sighed and tossed a couple of chips in. “Armie knows there’s more to this, and if I arrest Geraldine, I get a whole lot of protestors. What are you planning on doing, Quaid? Jimmy can’t plant another tree. The one he took down was at least twenty years old. Geraldine needs some privacy.”

“I’m going to keep the pressure on until city hall gives her an exemption,” Quaid admitted. “I promise you, in the end both the judge and opposing counsel will beg Sylvie for that exemption.”

Rene practically growled his frustration. “And then every time someone wants the council to change something we’ll get nude protests.”

“And then maybe we’ll be a happier society,” Remy argued. “Let people be who they are and don’t body shame them. I assure you running around naked will get old fast. Let them eff around and find out. I promise you the first time one of the protestors sits on those metal benches in the park and burns their asses, they’ll find another way to express themselves. Geraldine is literally in her yard. She should be able to do what she wants.”

“Yes, that is going to be my argument.” Quaid glanced down at his cards. Normally he would be all about the game. He loved poker and played the players as much as the cards,but he was completely distracted this evening, and it was all Jayna’s fault.

She’d arrived late in the afternoon and he’d shown her around briefly before she’d disappeared into the office he only used if he was working with another lawyer. Sometimes lawyers who specialized in something his clients needed would come in for days at a time and he offered them a place to work.

It had been his office for the few years he’d worked with his dad. He wondered what his father would think of Jayna Cardet.

“Who exactly are you arguing against?” Landon asked. “I thought you were the only lawyer in town.”

Rene perked up, going from slightly annoyed to bright and shiny in an instant. “Oh, Quaid is no longer the only lawyer in Papillon. He’s going to have to work for it now. Jayna Cardet is back in town, and she’s willing to take Quaid down a peg or two.”

He could remember the way her eyes had shone when he’d offered Sienna the job, how she’d reached for his hand and suddenly the world had felt like a warmer place.

He’d forced himself to walk away from her because he’d started to realize how dangerous the woman might be to his heart.

“Jayna Cardet? I don’t know the name,” Landon replied. “I think there’s a Cardet who lives in the trailer park on the edge of town, but I don’t think she’s a lawyer.”

“Jayna is Sienna’s younger sister.” Remy sent Quaid a pointed stare. “You in or out?”

Quaid sighed and mucked his cards. His brain wasn’t focused this evening. Not on the game, at least. It was interesting that Remy remembered her. “You knew Jayna?”

“Wait, Sienna, the waitress at the café? The one who will not even look me in the eye?” Landon asked.

“Yeah, though she’s not a waitress anymore,” Quaid explained. “She’s my receptionist, and I’m going to have her trained to take over as my paralegal when Cindy retires. So, what did you do to her to make her not like you? Sienna is one of the nicest women I know.”
