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She realized he was wearing a small microphone from the drama class so everyone could hear him. “I thought you were at the ranch with your rowdy cows.”

He chuckled. “I wanted to surprise you.”

“You set this all up?”

“I wanted your first day back to be spectacular.”

She looked at the crowd. “You invited our families.”

“I wanted everyone we care about to be here for this. We’ve waited a long time. Though it wasn’t always easy, it was worth it to finally get to do this.” He dropped to one knee and the crowd went wild. Max kissed the back of her hand, then looked at everyone, put his finger to his lips, and shushed them with a grin. The gym went quiet and Max looked up at her.

She hadn’t taken her eyes off him. She wanted to remember every second of this moment.

“It was at this very school where I fell in love with you for the first time. And every day I’m with you, I fall in love with you all over again. And that love gets stronger each and every day. I can’t promise that all the challenging times are behind us. What I can promise is that I will spend every day of the rest of my life wholly, completely in love with you. I will be by your side, cheering you on, lifting you up, loving you through everything. I’m already the luckiest man alive to have you in my life, but I’d be even happier if you agreed to be my wife.”

The cheerleaders lined up behind Max rolled out abanner that asked the very question Max spoke to her now, even though she was already nodding.

“Kenna, will you marry me?” He pulled a ring from his shirt pocket and held it up to her.

“Yes. Absolutely yes!”

The crowd cheered so loud it was deafening.

Max pulled the tiny microphone off his ear and let it dangle down his back. He kissed the back of her hand, slid the gorgeous diamond ring on her finger, rose and kissed her again like no one was watching them.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and he picked her right up off her feet and spun her around. She broke the kiss and pressed her cheek to his.

“I’m so damn happy.”

She leaned back and looked him right in the eyes. “Me too. This was the best surprise.”

“You knew it was coming.”

“Not today. Not like this. It was perfect.”

“Your kids will have to stop calling you Miss Baker and start calling you Mrs. Wilde soon.”

“How long until I can claim you as mine forever?”

“You did that a long time ago, sweetheart, but we’ll set a date that is sooner rather than later.”

“Perfect. Because I want to be your wife more than anything.”

He touched his forehead to hers and they shared a long look that said so much without them saying anything.

Their families surrounded them, offering congratulations. Another cheer went up from all the students ledby Patrice before she announced it was time for all the students to head to class.

Patrice came up beside her as Kenna picked up little Eliza. “I’ll give you a few minutes with your family and keep an eye on your class until you return.”

“Thank you for helping Max pull this off.”

Patrice put her hand on Kenna’s arm. “You’ve been through a lot. You deserved something wonderful. I’m so happy for you and Max. I hope you have a long and happy life together.” Patrice headed out to her classroom.

The din in the gym ebbed and it was only her, Max, and their families. Everyone hugged them, offered their congratulations, and told Max he’d done a great job on the proposal. She loved being surrounded by all of her family and the love they showered on her and Max.

Everyone was happy for them.

Especially her parents, who were still grieving Kyle, but found joy in Kenna’s engagement.
