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Are you okay?

She typed fast, letting some anger out in how hard she hit the screen.

NO! Marcus is dead! I have eighteen stitches in my head! You need to come home. NOW!

I’m sorry. I can’t. Too dangerous.


The FBI is after me too.

She glanced at Agent Gunn.

“I was able to speak to him briefly yesterday before he gave us the slip. He knows what he needs to do.”

She pressed her lips tight and typed out another message.

The FBI can help.

She hoped she was right about that.

They want what I have. Too dangerous for the world.

She eyed Agent Gunn.

“He’s not wrong.”

Another message from her brother popped up.

You need to leave. Now. It’s not safe.

I can’t just leave. I have school. My kids need me.

They’ll come after you again. Please. Leave now. Go anywhere, just don’t stay there.

Let me help you. Come over. We’ll talk about it.

It’s my fault. But I’ll fix it. I’ll contact you when it’s safe. Until then, disappear for a while. Don’t tell anyone where you’re going. Please.

Kyle, I’m begging you, let the FBI help you.


The chat ended.

Whatever the person on the other end of the line on Agent Gunn’s phone said to him, he didn’t like. “He’s bouncing from one IP address to the next all over the globe.”

She should have known her brother was too smart and too paranoid at this point to make it easy to find him.

Hence the secret password and new user ID on the chat app.

“What now?” she asked, because she was obviously a target.

“Protective custody,” Hunt said adamantly.

Agent Gunn nodded. “We’ll put you in a hotel with a couple agents until we find your brother and arrest the man who killed Marcus and is looking for you.”

“You know who he is. Arrest him now, and leave her out of it,” Max suggested the obvious.
