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What was she supposed to tell their parents?

When they got to the restaurant, she sat across from Marcus. Not beside him. She didn’t even think about sliding in next to him. Not like she used to do with Max.

She really needed to stop thinking about him.

If only.

She blamed Kyle for bringing him up.

Marcus lowered his menu and stared at her. “Are you okay?”

No. Because I can’t stop thinking about what Kyle said about letting go of Max.

“Um. Yeah. I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” Marcus raised a brow and patiently waited.

She hadn’t even opened her menu yet. She didn’t feel like eating. Worse, she didn’t really want to be here.

Her gut soured. This wasn’t fair to Marcus at all. He’d planned a wonderful night out, and she simply couldn’t be present for it.

She looked at his earnest face and thought about the last six weeks they’d spent dating and getting to know each other better.

Before Kyle showed up at her place, she wondered if tonight was the night they got naked. Now she wondered what she was doing here. With Marcus.

They’d agreed to take things slow because they worked together. She felt a little like a cliché. The teacher and the vice principal working to better the minds of their students, when sparks fly, and they fall for each other.

It sounded like a nice story.

But the spark between them seemed to have grown in Marcus, while in her, it remained a flicker of hope that she’d eventually feel something more than the deep friendship they shared.

It was the same thing that had happened with the last three guys she’d dated. A couple others hadn’t gotten past the first date.

Either she sucked at this, or finding love just wasn’t in the cards for her.

Not again. She had it once and lost it.

But maybe she needed to change tactics and think ofthis more scientifically, instead of mathematically, because the odds seemed wholly not in her favor. If she wanted to connect and bond with someone, then she needed to form an attachment. What better way than sex?

She liked sex. She missed sex.

She missed feeling wanted and desired by a man.

Marcus made it clear that he wanted more in the kisses they shared.

Maybe it was time to stop holding back and take another step into a deeper kind of relationship with Marcus.

If she couldn’t have all of what she wanted, then maybe she needed to settle for the kind of friendship and connection she could have with him.

She’d had the amazing, all-encompassing passion kind of love once. It was her fault she’d lost it.

She needed to move on before her brother filled not just one shelf, but the whole damn bookcase with cat figurines.

“Kenna. Are you okay?” Marcus asked again.


Marcus deserved what she’d had with Max. He didn’t deserve a woman who settled for him. He didn’t deserve for her to use him as an experiment to find a connection that wasn’t there.
