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“I will definitely keep that in mind. I’ll also be thinking about you. Take care. I’ll see you tomorrow via video for the rally.”

“Thank you again for being so understanding and letting me participate.”

They said their goodbyes and Kenna ended the call. She found herself just sitting on her bed wondering what to do next.

The walls felt like they were closing in. She needed some air and walked out of her room.

Mike stood as she approached.

“Can I go outside?”

“Being out in the wide open isn’t a good idea, but you could go down to the barn.”

That made her feel like a toddler, but she didn’t grouse at the poor man assigned to watch her do nothing.

Mike grabbed the rifle and slung it over his shoulder by the strap, then followed her downstairs and out the front door. She didn’t go into the barn, just in case Max was working in there, and headed for the side of it andthe covered outside stall where a couple of horses were penned.

Mike stood between her and the house. The cover and horses blocked her enough from anyone out past the pasture and tree line. It wasn’t exactly relaxing to be out in the open after Mike pointed out it wasn’t safe, but she liked the fresh air and space.

She simply couldn’t stand the quiet and emptiness in the house one more second.

But she knew Mike would only allow this for a few minutes before he wanted her either in the barn or house, where it was safer and easier to protect her, so she used the time wisely and patted the horse who came over for some attention.

A dog ran out of the barn and headed toward her. A moment later, Chase walked out, too. She hadn’t seen Max’s brother in a long time and found a smile for him as she bent to greet the dog. “Hello there. Who are you?”

“Remmy,” Chase supplied, closing the distance. “I heard you were here.” Chase looked past her at her guard. “Given the circumstances, I won’t ask how you are. I just wanted to say hi and let you know if you need anything, I’m here.”

“Thank you. And congratulations on getting married. I’ve seen Shelby and Eliza around town. You’re a lucky man.”

“That doesn’t even begin to cover it.” Chase glanced over his shoulder. “Ah, Max is headed back with a sick calf.”

“This time of year?” Winter in Wyoming was not thetime for calves. Way too cold. The potential for losing them too high for any rancher.

“Yeah. Fence got downed by a tree during a storm. Bull got out. We have a couple of babies.”

“Sounds about right.” It felt good to talk about things that didn’t have anything to do with her brother and took her mind off Marcus.

Chase shrugged. “Anyway, he’ll be here shortly.”

“And I should disappear.”

He shook his head. “I didn’t say that at all. I thought you might like to see the calf.”

That surprised her. She thought Chase would want to protect Max from being upset by her. “Oh. I would. But Max doesn’t want to see me, so I guess I’ll head back up to the house. I just wanted to—”

“Stop, Kenna. You’re welcome here. You can go wherever you like on the property. Max let everyone know to keep an eye on you. He’s worried about you. I bet it would ease his mind to see you outside.”

“I don’t know about that. Besides, Mike is not happy I’m out here in the open.”

“I know it will make Max feel better to see you out of your room. He’s looking a little worse for wear.”

“Thank you for not saying I do as well.”

“Believe me, I get it. You’ve been through a lot the last couple days. Give it time. You’ll start to feel normal again.”

“My life has been turned upside down. Now I’ve intruded on Max’s life here.”

“For what it’s worth, I don’t think he sees it that way.”
