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“She loved her family, our life, but she wasn’t always happy, because I was so set in my ways. So if you want to make some changes, I’m open to it. But if you’re going to live here with Kenna, too, then you should probably ask her what she wants.”

Max did something he hadn’t done in a long time. He went to his dad and gave him a big bear hug, then stood back and smiled at him. “Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?”

“Just don’t put this old dog out in the barn. This is still my home.”

“Never, Dad. Who else is going to watch the grandbabies when I take Kenna out on date night?”

His dad grinned. “Now you’re thinking right, son.”

“Just remembering what my future is meant to be.”

“Her. For you, it was always her.”

No doubt about it. And this time he was going to get it right. And no one was going to get in their way or tear them apart again.

Chapter Twenty

Kenna needed something to do. Staying in the house was safer. It made it easier for the feds to guard her. But she was going stir-crazy.

She thought about going down to the barn to feed the calf or just pet the horses, but then she might run into Max. She really didn’t know what to say to him. Yes, they’d cleared the air; they’d even shared that amazing kiss. She wanted to believe they could just go back to the way things used to be, but she didn’t want to push.

Deep down, she feared, despite what he’d said, he’d change his mind and decide they were better off to leave the past behind and move on to the future as friends.

She’d loved sitting on the couch with him last night, his big body so close to hers, his arm around her. It comforted her. And she’d needed that so much after talking to her brother. But as much as she liked it and wanted him to touch her more, he’d simply held her there, leaving her wholly aware of him and also wanting more.

It confused her.

And she didn’t seem to be the only one. Max seemedto want to say something last night, but then he didn’t. When they parted ways, each of them going into their own rooms, it felt like the kiss they’d shared never happened.

Someone knocked on her bedroom door. “Kenna, it’s me. Are you busy?”

She opened the door and found Max with his hands on the frame, leaning forward, at eye level with her. “No. Do you have something you want me to do? Please say yes.”

He chuckled. “Bored?”

“Too much time to think, not enough to distract me.”

“Then I’m your guy.”

Oh, how she wished that was true. “What can I help you with?”

He stood tall and held out his hand. “Come with me.”

She put her hand in his. He squeezed hers and drew her across the hall and into his room. She caught a brief glimpse of Mike and the knowing grin on his face before she was in Max’s room and he closed the door.

She stared at the comforter laid out on the floor at the side of his bed and the picnic he’d set up.

“Mike said it’s too risky to take you on a ride and a picnic on the property, so this is the best I could do under the circumstances.”

Her heart melted at the sweet gesture. “You didn’t have to do this at all. We could just eat in the kitchen like we always do.”

“I want to spend time with you alone.”

She raised a brow. “You do?”


Butterflies took flight in her stomach. “Why?”
