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He nodded to the guy, then slid the gate open and stepped in to be closer to her. “Hey, sweetheart, did you have a good day?”

Stormy shook his big head up and down.

Kenna laughed. “Yes. I finished all the filing, cleaned the office, because it looked like you hadn’t swept the floor, wiped down the desk and cabinets, or tossed the trash in a while.”

He shrugged, not the least bit cowed by her scolding that was more teasing than real. “I’ve been busy.”

“Well, now you have a clean office.” She looked proud of herself. “I also organized the supply cupboard and restocked the barn medical cabinet since the order came in. I’ll leave the feed delivery to you and your men.”

Most likely because it required a lot of heavy lifting. “Got it. And thank you.”


“Any word on your brother?”

She stopped brushing the horse. “Nothing. Has Hunt said anything to you?”

“Nope. But he’ll be here shortly to deliver the pizza I ordered for you, Dad, and your shadows.”

She cocked one brow and glanced at him. “You did?”

“I thought you might like your favorite.”

“Thank you. That’s sweet. But it sounds like you’re not eating with us.”

“Can’t tonight. I have a date.”

That brow went even higher this time and she gave him a disgruntled look. “What? I thought...” She clamped her mouth shut.

He took a step closer, then another, until he was inches from her, her head tilted back to look up at him. “You thought I wanted you, and only you.”

Her gaze fell to the floor. “I guess I misunderstood.”

He touched his finger to her chin, made her look at him, and shook his head. “Not even a little bit. You’re all I want.”

That eyebrow shot up again.

“But I have a standing date with my niece Eliza that I can’t cancel, or Chase and Shelby will kill me, because it’s date night for them.” He grinned, then kissed her softly.

“That’s sweet.” She relaxed.

“Eliza is amazing. She’s going to love you. You have a lot in common.”

Surprise shone in her eyes. “Oh, yeah, like what?”

“She loves numbers and flowers. She can count to thirty.”

Kenna grinned with approval. “Impressive.”

“I’m also her favorite person, just like I’m yours.” His belly fluttered with hope that she still felt that way.

“A girl who knows a good thing when she sees it.”

He let out his breath and let go of his reservations that maybe something had changed between them that he couldn’t fix. Her feelings.

“I’m not one for sharing you, but if it’s with your niece, I’ll make an exception.”

