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“Is she okay?”

“Yes. Everything is all right. She asked that I call and give you an update. Her concussion symptoms have improved. I changed her dressings and everything looks good with her incisions. She’s resting comfortably.”

“Thank you for calling. If she needs me, please call. I’ll come right away.” They still had to clear brunch and cut the cake. He didn’t know what else Hunt and Cyn had planned.

“I spoke with her parents. They’ll be here shortly.”

“Okay. Good. I should be there in a couple hours as well. Thank you again.”

“You’re welcome.” The nurse hung up.

He turned and found Hunt just inside the room. “Sorry. I didn’t want to disturb anyone taking the call.”

Hunt waved that off. “Is everything all right with Kenna?”

Max nodded and sighed out his relief. “Everything is looking good. She’s asleep right now. The doctor was right about the blood loss sapping all her energy.”

Hunt rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “That’s great. Good.”

“Congrats on the wedding. I know you and Cyn are going to be very happy together.”

“You’re next up. When’s it going to happen?”

He pulled the black velvet box out of his pocket. He didn’t know why he had it with him, but before leaving the house for the wedding, he’d picked it up, opened it just to look at the diamond again, and stuffed it in his pocket to have something that would be Kenna’s with him today.

He opened the box now and turned the ring to Hunt. “Do you think she’ll like it?”

Hunt whistled at the big diamond. “She’ll love it.” Hunt slapped his hand on Max’s shoulder and squeezed. “When did you have time to pick that up?”

“Right between picking up our tuxes and your bachelor party.”

“The day Kenna got attacked.”

“I almost lost her before I could even give this to her.” Just like last time he bought her a ring.

Hunt hugged him to his side. “The important thing is that she’s okay and you will put that ring on her finger. You will marry her. You will make a life with her.” Hunt squeezed his shoulder.

“Come on. Back to the party. Your bride is probably wondering what happened to you.”

“Cyn sent me in here to make sure you’re okay. She’s worried about you, just as much as I am.”

“I’m fine. Kenna is the one in the hospital.”

“Believe me, I know the toll it takes on you to sit and wait for news and watch over the woman you love while she recovers. Been there, done that with Cyn too many times.”

“But that’s all over now.”

“But the nightmare is still in your head. If you need to talk about the shooting, I’m here. Chase is here. There’s counseling available.”

He knew all that. Maybe he’d take them up on it. But right now... “I just want Kenna home with me.”

“I get that. But what you’ve been through... It’s traumatic.”

“I just keep telling myself I had to stop him from hurting Kenna again.”

“You did. She’s safe. That’s what matters most.” Hunt squeezed his shoulder. “Come on. We’re going to cut the cake. Then I’m going to kick everyone out so I can be alone with my wife. Chase and Shelby plan on going with you to see Kenna. Dad’s going to watch the kids. We’ll pack up some cake for Kenna.”

“Thanks, man.”
