Page 65 of Wicked Beauty

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“Sure,” Ruby says finally, glancing at me. “I’d love more time with Natalia, anyway. I’m sure you keep her very busy.”

She says it slightly suggestively, grinning at me in a way that I know is meant to throw Mikhail off, but I can see that she’s still not entirely fine with the situation.

“Whenever I can,” Mikhail says with a smirk, glancing sideways at me, and despite myself, I feel a shiver of desire ripple down my spine at the thought of what he means.

I stand up, gesturing for Ruby to follow me. “I’ll make you a drink,” I tell her as we walk back into the living room, gesturing at the bar cart near the unused fireplace. “Unless you want more wine?”

“I should probably stick with wine.” She sits down on the edge of the couch, and I nod, sitting down opposite her, on the other side of the coffee table. I know Mikhail will want to sit next to me, as much as I’d rather be close to Ruby.

“I’ll let Mikhail pick out the bottle,” I say as brightly as I can, not wanting to let on that I know he’d be angry if I left to go down to the wine cellar–if I could even get in. For all I know, it’s another locked door. “He’s really particular about wine.”

“You know a lot about him already,” Ruby says calmly, looking at me. “It hasn’t been that long.”

“We’ve talked a lot. When we’re not–” I trail off, my voice catching a little at the end. It’s not at all true, but I force the lie out, feeling the time ticking down. I lean forward, not wanting to let on how desperate I’m beginning to feel. “I really want you to see how happy I am, Ruby. I don’t want you to leave still worried about me, and I–”

“I know.” She leans forward, reaching for my hand. “I know we didn’t know each other all that long either, really, and I feel so close to you. That’s why I’m so protective of you. Maybe it can be the same thing with someone like Mikhail. It’s just–I’m so mistrustful of that sort of thing. I think you can understand why. I just want to see you safe and happy. I don’t know all of what you’ve been through, but I’ve seen enough girls come and go at the club to know it’s something. And I don’t want you to go through any more hurt.”

I can’t hide the tears welling in my eyes at that. “I appreciate it,” I manage, squeezing her hand. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, regardless of how long we’ve known each other. That’s why this is so important to me.”

That, and because I don’t want you to die.

I manage to wipe away any trace of the tears before Mikhail comes into the room with another bottle of wine and fresh glasses, and a pack of cards.

“I see you were waiting on wine,” he says with a smile, and I eye the bottle, watching as he pours it. I have a paranoid fear that Ruby’s glass might be poisoned, but he takes a sip before either of us do, just as he had at the table. I can’t help but think that he knows I might be afraid of that, and is fucking with me on purpose.

He sets a deck of cards out on the table. Neither of us are paying much attention to what game we play, and I know that it doesn’t really matter. This is about the show. It’s about me sitting next to Mikhail, thighs and arms brushing like any other couple, filling in the ends of each other’s sentences, laughing at each other’s jokes, putting on the appearance of being head over heels in love for Ruby. Most of the performance is on me, because I know Mikhail doesn’t care if she’s convinced–or at least I’m pretty sure that’s the case. I think he’d rather tie up the loose end his way, but he knows it leaves him power over me if he lets this continue.

I feel as if my nerves are frayed at the edges. The conversation flows a little more smoothly, softened by the wine, but when we finish another round of drinks and cards and Mikhail asks Ruby if she wants to stay the night, I feel as if I’m going to be sick.

“I can’t,” Ruby says, forcing a smile. “I have things to do in the morning. Don’t worry, I’ll get a cab back.”

“We’re pretty far out from the city.” Mikhail’s voice sounds as if he’s on the verge of insisting, and my mouth goes dry, my throat tightening with fear. All I can think is that he hasn’t been convinced, that Ruby is going to die tonight, and it’s going to be my fault.

“I can still get one. It’ll just take a little bit for them to get here.” Ruby’s smile is still on her face as she reaches for her bag. “In fact, I should probably call now. It’ll be at least an hour.”

“That’s expensive.”

“I can afford it,” she insists.

A beat passes, and I lay my hand on Mikhail’s thigh, gently urging him to say the words that I know will make Ruby relax that much more.Please say it, I think over and over as they look at each other over the table, and finally Mikhail speaks as he pours the last of the wine.

“I’ll pay for the cab,” he says, offering her a smile that, to someone who doesn’t know him, would probably look genuine. “We invited you after all.”

I see the beat where Ruby considers whether or not to take his offer, and I feel like I can’t breathe. I’m almost sure that Mikhail will be horribly offended if she says no, and I don’t know what will happen then. I don’t want to think about it.

“Sure,” she says finally, her face relaxing, and I feel as if I could pass out with relief.

I feel as if I’m counting down the minutes for the next hour. Not because I really want Ruby to be gone–seeing my friend again has felt like a breath of fresh air…or would have, if not for the tension hanging over it all. But I want her safe. I want her away from Mikhail’s gaze, out of his sight, so that she can possibly be out of his mind too.

Ruby checks her phone a little while later and starts to stand. “It’s been a really nice evening,” she says, reaching over the table to squeeze my hand. “I’m glad I got to spend some time with you both. My ride’s just about here, though.”

Mikhail stands up too, bringing me with him. “I’m glad I was able to meet someone who cares as much about Natalia as I do,” he says smoothly, and then he reaches down, turning me towards him as his hand slides over my cheek to tip my face up to his for a kiss.

I don’t want to kiss him in front of Ruby. I’m terrified that she’ll read something in my posture or reaction that will give away what’s really happening. But I know I don’t have a choice–and as it turns out, I didn’t need to worry.

The instant his lips brush mine, my entire body tightens with desire. I feel myself swaying towards him, my hands coming up to touch his chest, and I can’t stop the reaction. I feel magnetized by him, and I hear Ruby let out a low laugh as he and I finally pull apart.

For the first time tonight, I think she might actually believe our story. She walks next to me as the three of us head for the door, and I feel her hand brush mine again as she leans closer.
