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I smile at him as he gets in the truck and starts the engine. Even in this huge vehicle, he looks like he’s too big for it.

“So, you’re on vacation?” he asks as we drive away from the lodge and head into town.

He rolls down the windows and the fresh mountain air hits my face. I love a guy who opens the windows over putting on the air conditioning. You can’t beat the natural summer air.

“Yeah. I just needed to get away for a bit.”

“Where are you from?”

“New Jersey.”

He thinks about it, like maybe he’s wondering if he could live in New Jersey. I can’t see this man living anywhere but the mountains.

“No boyfriend?”

I can’t help but laugh. This man jumps right to the chase. I like that.


“Fiancé? Husband?”

“Nope and nope.” None of that usual sad loneliness that I’m used to comes with me acknowledging that I’m single. I’m actually happy about it. If I was still engaged to Richard, I wouldn’t even be here with this hot mysterious stranger that I’m starting to crush on. “I’m as free as the mountain wind.”

He exhales in relief. “Good.”

“While we’re on the topic…” I say, trying to sound all cool and nonchalant. “Any girlfriend, fiancé, or wife?” That I’ll have to get rid of?

He flashes me that devastatingly sexy grin. “Not yet, but I got my eye on someone special.”

“Would that be me?”

“That would be you.”

I grin as I lick my lips and turn in my seat, giving him a flirty look. “You’re forward.”

He shrugs those big broad shoulders and my core tightens. “When I see something I want, I can’t hold back. I’m not good at restraining myself.”

I swallow hard as I glance at his big hands wrapped around the steering wheel, wondering how they would feel wrapped around me.

“I like a man who knows what he wants.”

“Good,” he says as he flashes me a dark sexy look. “Because I know exactly what I want.”

We park his brother’s truck on the main street and start to walk around, exploring the adorable little mountain town.

“Oh! We have to go into this bakery,” I say, giddy with excitement. “I smelled the bread yesterday and it was unreal.”

He takes my hand again and walks me in.

There’s no one inside except for the woman at the counter. She’s leaning on it while reading a smutty romance book.

“Hello,” she mutters as she turns the page.

“Hi!” I say.

“Hello,” Dylan says in his deep masculine voice.

The woman’s eyes dart up to him and she lowers the book (and her mouth) in awe.

I can’t help but giggle at the shocked expression on her face. She must think that the hero in her book just jumped out of the page and came to life.

“Look at these,” Dylan says as he walks over to the glass display. He’s looking at the cannolis. “They look incredible. Want to try some?”

“Sure!” I say, up for anything.

“We’ll take two of those,” Dylan says to the mesmerized woman.

She looks like she would rather be handling another cannoli instead as she walks over and puts two onto the counter.

“Open wide,” Dylan says as he takes one and holds it up.

I go to take it from him, but he pulls it back and shakes his head. “Nope. Allow me.”

Why not? I took this vacation to shake things up and to pull me out of my comfort zone. I’m going to do just that.

I tilt my head back, put my hand on his thick wrist, and let him put it in my mouth. “Mmmmm,” I moan as I lick the cream off my lips. “That’s good.”

His heated eyes are locked on my mouth as I chew. He takes that big hand and gently wipes a dollop of cream off the corner of my lips. I watch with my body burning as he puts his fingertip to his mouth and sucks it off.

He’s so fucking hot. This place is steaming. If only that baker wasn’t—

Is she filming us?!

She is!!

The woman has her phone by her side and appears to be recording our little moment. What the hell?!

I don’t want to make a big scene, so I wait until we pay and then when we’re outside, I slip back in for a second.

She looks up with excited eyes that quickly droop in disappointment when she sees that it’s me and not Dylan.

“Um, we’re you filming us?”

She nods in excitement. “Yeah! It was so hot. You want me to send it to you?”

I was about to give her a piece of my mind, but now I just really want to see that video.

Aw, fuck it!


“I’ll send it right over!” she says as she gets absorbed into her phone.

I can either stand here and argue with her or get back to my hot date, so I pick the obvious choice.

Dylan takes my hand once again as we continue walking.
