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I started dating Richard when we were fourteen, so it was nothing like this. We just kind of hung out for years and said that we were dating, but it was always comfortable and easy. It was nothing like this. I’m full of pent-up nervous energy, but the good kind. I can barely focus on the menu, so I’ll just order the fish and chips after all.

“Hello,” the gruff waitress says when she arrives. She takes the pen out from behind her ear, scratches her head with it a few times, and then holds it to her pad of paper. “What can I get you?”

I look at her nametag and smile. “Hi, April. Mitch from the Greene Mountain Lodge sent us here.”

She just stares at me blankly.

“He said you’d give us a free apple pie if I said that.”

“He lied. What can I get you?”

Dylan’s appearance, which has such a strong effect on everyone else, does nothing for her. She doesn’t seem charmed in the least.

“We’ll have two fish and chips,” he says.

“And a red beer. Whatever you have on tap,” I add.

Dylan smiles at me and it makes me feel super proud of my drink choice, even though it is just a beer. “Make that two.”

“Awesome,” she says in a bored tone as she grabs the menus and leaves.

“They have a jukebox here,” Dylan says as he looks around. “I’ll be right back.”

I grin as I watch him walk over to it. He flicks through the songs as I stare at his back.

My mind goes to some dirty places as I watch him. I keep picturing him naked. I keep wondering what it would feel like to finally lose my virginity to a strapping man like him. Probably painful. Probably amazing too.

The Beach Boys start playing as April places our beers on the table. I smile as Dylan returns.

“You remembered,” I say as he sits down while Wouldn’t It Be Nice plays through the restaurant.

“Don’t give me too much credit,” he says with a chuckle. “It was only about twenty minutes ago.”

“Still,” I say as I reach over and put my hand on his. “Thanks.”

He smiles at me and the sight is so damn enticing that my body starts moving on its own. I get up, move around the table to his side, and slide into the booth beside him.

We’re so close… I can smell his masculine scent—earthy and phermoney and something vanilla—and I have to fight back a moan. He smells so good. He looks even better.

Those dark brown eyes are mesmerizing up close. I wonder what he’d do if I touched his beard. I wonder what he would do if I kissed him.

My eyes drop to his mouth and his lips are so damn sexy that I can’t seem to pull my gaze away. He notices—of course, he does—and he gently takes my jaw in his big hand and tilts my mouth up.

“Do you want me to kiss you?” he whispers, his warm breath tickling my lips.

I’m staring at his mouth in fascination, unable to look away. “Yes, please.”

He grins and then leans down and presses his warm delicious mouth to mine. I moan as my whole body surrenders to him. I turn to jelly. I melt against him as I part my lips and feel his magical tongue sliding into my mouth.

That big hand grabs the side of my thigh and he pulls me as close to him as I can get without sitting on his lap. I push against his hard frame—happy that we’re in the back where no one can see us—and kiss this delicious man while my favorite song plays over the speakers.

Yes… More. I want more…

I slide my hands into his long black hair as he slides his hands around my back and holds me in place like he’s never going to let me leave. That’s just fine with me. I wouldn’t mind staying here and doing this for another decade or two.

We kiss, paw, touch, and explore each other’s mouths until a loud throat clearing has me jumping away in fright.

April is standing at our table holding two plates of fish and chips with an unimpressed look on her face. My cheeks are blushing wildly as I lick Dylan’s taste off my lips.

She frowns as she looks down at me. “Are you going to sit on your side of the booth or are you staying on his lap?”

“Right,” I say as I quickly dart to the other side. My cheeks could light a candle.

April slides our plates in front of us with a glare of disapproval. “Enjoy. And don’t make me get the hose.”

We both giggle when she leaves.

So far, this date is pretty awesome.

I hope it never ends.

Chapter Five


The waiter places a creme brûlée on the table and hands each of us a spoon. Ashley wiggles in her chair, full of excitement as she eyes the delicious-looking dessert.
