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I smile as I drag my palm over the rough bark and keep moving.

The air is so crisp. So clean. I inhale it with a smile and let it fill my lungs. I let it rejuvenate me and fill me with energy.

God, I didn’t realize how much the city drained me. How much the never-ending swarm of unsmiling people sucked the energy from my soul.

Being out here is definitely replenishing it. I feel like I could run up this mountain.

I pick up my pace and take in the stunning scenery. The higher I get, the more spectacular the view of the mountains becomes. This place is like a real-life screen saver. It’s surreal. I don’t know why I never visited Montana before now.

A predator bird swoops through the vast open sky like she’s the queen of the world and I stop in my tracks and watch her scanning the valley below.

This place… It feels like home.

I feel like an animal who was raised in the zoo and is stepping foot into its natural habitat for the first time. Like a kangaroo leaping into the Outback, a giraffe stepping foot onto the Serengeti, or an otter slipping into a river. I finally feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be.

With every step, I feel more and more invigorated. I feel more and more excited, like anything can happen.

I have to move out here. I have to quit my mind-numbing corporate job that pays me too little and causes too much stress and live where I can hike in nature every day.

I bend over and pick up an acorn that’s laying in my path. I can’t help but smile as I run my fingertip over the diamond ridges and touch the pointy tip. I’m staring at this little thing in awe, wondering how one of these giant trees can come out of it when I hear splashing in a nearby river.

My ears perk up and my breath catches in my throat. It could be an elk or a deer!

With my heart pounding, I tiptoe over, not wanting to scare it away.

Is it a deer? Is it a deer?

“Oh, dear,” I whisper when I arrive.

My mouth drops as I stare in stunned silence.

It’s no deer…

Definitely not a deer.

It’s a man bathing in the river… naked.

My eyes are fixated on him as my body vibrates like a tuning fork that was just slammed against a concrete wall.

Desire. Need. Lust. They rip through me with an intensity that shocks me. I want that man. I need that man.

I get all light-headed and trembly as he washes his black hair. So… many… muscles…

I’m practically drooling as I gawk shamelessly at his huge round shoulders and big strong arms. He’s got tattoos all over them. Up his thick forearms and on his mouthwatering biceps.

This man is a giant with a body as sturdy as one of those Ponderosa pines. I wonder if he would let me climb it?

He’s got a long thick black beard and the most perfect face ever put on this planet.

My body craves him. It’s being drawn to him in a way I’ve never experienced before. Nothing like this has ever happened to me. I’ve never reacted like this to a man in all my life. Even when I saw Chase Widows, the gorgeous heartthrob actor in Manhattan, I hardly flinched.

But him… I want to drag my tongue over every inch of his body. I want to straddle that huge frame and see what else he’s got that’s towering in length.

The flowing water is up to his waist. I squeeze my thighs together, feeling the wetness accumulating, as my heated eyes burn their way down his flawless abs to the deliciously tempting V carved into his pelvis.

I can see a hint of his pubic hair. I step on my toes, wanting to see a little bit more, but this stupid water is getting in the way.

He turns a little, or the water dips for a second, I’m not sure, but whatever happens, the water level slips down and I see the thick, and I mean thick, root of his cock.

That water is probably ice cold and I don’t know a whole lot about shrinkage beyond that Seinfeld episode, but I’m pretty sure that a cock in water that cold shouldn’t be that large.

He turns around and grabs a bar of soap off the rock. My heart rate jacks up another notch when I see his large V-shaped back full of hulking ridges and taut sexy muscle.

It looks so sturdy. So strong. So fucking masculine. This man looks like he could squat with a truck on his broad tattooed shoulders.

He lifts an arm and washes his armpits as the heat swirling through me shoots to the area between my legs like a rocket. I’m so wet. I’m aching. I’m throbbing.
