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I take a deep breath when I see the empty lobby and stand up on my wobbly legs. That was terrifying!

A prim and proper woman with brown hair and brown eyes who must be Lauren walks back in. She has manager written all over her by the way she carries herself. She jerks her head back in surprise when she sees me standing behind the counter.

“Hello,” she says in a stiff but polite tone. “Who are you?”

“Oh, me? I’m—“

“You know that guy?” Tina asks, interrupting me.

“Is he single?” Tiffany adds.

Lauren huffs out a breath. “He’s Owen’s brother. He’s staying with us while he’s in town.”

“Is he single?” Tiffany asks again.

Yeah, come on, Lauren! Is he single?

Lauren’s back straightens and she raises her chin. “As a matter of fact, he is.” Her alert brown eyes dart back onto me. “I’m sorry, why are you behind the counter?”

“I’m the uh… blonde-haired angel Dylan was talking about.”

Tina tilts her head in confusion. “I thought he was talking about me.”

“She saw his ding dong,” Tiffany says.

“Heavy on the dong,” Tina adds with raised eyebrows.

Lauren exhales long and hard like she’s trying to reset herself. “Okay. You two. Stop talking. And you, Miss…”

“Botter,” I say with a lump in my throat. “Ashley Botter.”

Lauren forces out a smile. “Miss Botter. Let me walk you to the elevators.”

I feel all fluttery and twitchy with nerves as I hurry around the desk. Is she going to kick me out of the lodge? I don’t want to go. It’s so beautiful here!

She has a tight smile on her face as we begin walking to the elevators. “It seems like my brother-in-law is quite taken with you.”

“You think?”

She looks me over quickly and then smiles. Only for a second and then it’s gone.

“I’ve only known Dylan for a short time, but he’s a wonderful man. Is there any… interest on your end?”

I swallow hard as she hits the button for the elevator and then waits for my answer.

“Um… sure?”

“Well, if he’s anything like his brother, he will be quite… cavemany.”

“Cavemany? What do you mean? Like a caveman?”

She looks at the ceiling like she’s trying to think of the best way to put it. “He’ll be… Intense. Persistent. A bit over-the-top in his obsession.”

“Obsession? Okay…”

The elevator arrives with a ding.

“My best advice for you,” Lauren continues, “is to go with it, hang on for dear life, and enjoy the wild ride. It will be the time of your life.”

I step into the empty elevator, my head swirling with a gazillion thoughts and questions that I can’t seem to get out.

I look at Lauren’s smiling face as my whole world flips upside down.

She grins as the doors close.

“Enjoy your stay at the Greene Mountain Lodge.”

Chapter Three


I’m running up the steep incline of this mountain with so much energy that it feels like I could do this forever. My heart is pumping, my legs are humming, and AC/DC’s Thunderstruck is booming through the AirPods in my ears.

I’m listening to Thunderstruck because that’s what I am—Thunderstruck.

That girl from yesterday has me all kinds of rocked. She’s shaken the very foundation I stand on. She’s flipped my whole world upside and there’s no going back.

The stunning image of her is seared into my mind. I was up all night thinking about her, wondering where she was, obsessing about every detail from yesterday morning—the sexy look in her eyes as she watched me and the way her plump lips looked so damn juicy and tempting. When I finally did fall asleep, I spent the whole time dreaming about her.

In my dream, we were married. We were so happy together. I could hold her whenever I wanted and kiss her whenever the mood struck. Every evening, I buried my thick throbbing cock into her sweet little pussy and kept her up all night.

“Fuck,” I grunt as I leap over a rock and continue sprinting up the mountain.

All I can do is exercise until I find her. I’m driving myself crazy with all this excess energy and I have to burn it off somehow.

I waited in the bar in the lodge all night for her to come down. My eyes were locked on the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of her returning from dinner or heading to the reception for whatever reason. But she never showed up. Never even walked by.

I don’t even know if she’s staying there. She could be a local. She could have been on her last day of vacation yesterday and already be on her way home.

Fuck, that last thought makes me sick. The horrifying thought of never seeing her again… Of going through my whole life knowing that amazing girl is out there but never being able to find her… I don’t even want to think about it. I’d lose my mind if that happened.
