Page 114 of Hate To Love You

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She probably thinks I’m propositioning her. To be honest, in a less dangerous situation, if she was willing, I’d be more than game. Sophie may have been a pretty girl who burst on the music scene when she was still in pigtails, but she’s a hella beautiful woman now. I certainly wouldn’t turn her down. But that’s not why I’m asking her to disrobe.

“Your red spangly dress is a bright, shiny target to this shooter.”

“Oh.” She frowns. “But I can’t run around naked.”

As much as I might like the view, she’s right. Everyone has a camera on their cell phones these days, and she doesn’t need that kind of exposure. Hell, we’re lucky that everyone is too busy running for their lives to notice us tucked into this narrow alley.

I yank my T-shirt from my waistband and tug it over my head, leaving my torso covered in a thin wifebeater. The T-shirt is damp with my sweat and it smells like me, but that’s all I’ve got to give her. “Put this on.”

Sophie takes the shirt from my hand, her gaze glued to mine. “Where am I supposed to change?”

But she knows the answer; I see it on her face.

“I’ll block you.” After all, she’s tiny. I’m pretty big. We’ll make it work. “But we don’t have time for modesty.”

She hesitates an instant, then drops one strap of her low, scoop-necked dress down her arm, followed by the other. As she does, one thing becomes obvious: Sophie Larsen isn’t wearing a bra.

I start to sweat again, and this time it has nothing to do with heat or danger.

Holy shit.


To achieve her dreams, all she has to do is seduce the enemy…

Shanna York was set to achieve her glittering ballroom dreams and become a dance champion—until her dance partner gets tangled up in scandal and blackmail. With the clock ticking and all her ambitions at stake, the last thing she needs is the gorgeous owner of a sex club tempting her with the forbidden. Or maybe that’s the very thing she needs…

Alejandro Diaz has sizzled for Shanna since he set eyes on her months ago. Her repeated rebuffs will make her surrender that much sweeter. She’s ambitious and driven…but so is he. When she asks for his assistance to ensnare a voyeuristic blackmailer with a video fetish, he doesn’t hesitate to help her stage a bedroom trap. But neither is prepared to face scorching, endless passion, the blackmailer’s real identity—or the undeniable love that grows between them.


Who’d known it would only take two minutes, seventeen seconds to ruin her life?

Shanna York ejected the flash drive from her laptop, resisting the pointless urge to fling it across the room. Instead, she set it gently on the table beside her and stood.

Damn Kristoff! What had he been thinking?

Besides looking for inventive ways to get off, absolutely nothing. That was obvious.

Any hope of the life she’d worked and sweated for was over. Goodbye, California Dance Star competition, which she and Kristoff were favored to win in eight days. Adios, any chance of making World Cup Latin finals—something she’d been striving for her entire dance career.

Kristoff knew how important this season was to her. Knew it. She was twenty-eight—old by ballroom standards. He was the best partner she’d ever had, which was saying something. This year was their year; everyone said so.

All it had taken was one piece of footage recorded just last week—according to the date in the lower right corner of the screen—and a note with a scrawled Watch Me to shatter her dreams.

Sighing, Shanna closed her eyes and tried to think. But that only focused the drive’s every image into full Technicolor in her memory. Kristoff, tall and ungodly handsome, standing above two figures, one male, the other female. He cradled each of their heads in his hands as they knelt before him. Their tongues slid up and down his erection, licked over his balls, and occasionally met at the head of his cock for a juicy kiss.

“You like that big dick?” he asked. They both moaned. The camera zoomed in as the woman, a stunning blonde with a starburst tattoo on her breast, deep-throated Kristoff.

The other male, a buff guy with military short hair and his own raging hard-on, stood and licked at Kristoff’s nipples. Kristoff groaned, the sound soon drowned out by the man capturing his lips and devouring them in a harsh kiss.

That was the first thirty seconds—plenty depraved by the deeply traditional standards many ballroom judges held. Then came the middle of the clip…

Kristoff, intent and focused as he penetrated the woman’s sex, plunging in for slow, agonizing strokes. A surprise, given the fact Shanna had always believed he was strictly gay. But thrusting into the woman, he appeared like any other hetero man…until the camera panned back and showed the other man penetrating Kristoff’s ass, the forward momentum of that stroke pushing Kristoff’s erection into the panting female.
