Page 143 of Hate To Love You

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“We’ve got the security angles covered,” Del assured her before she even opened her mouth. “There are cameras all over this place. We’ve spent all day rigging it up. If someone tries to film you here, we’ll nail him.”

He wandered closer. Shanna tensed. Truth be told, the man made her nervous. He was dark like Alejandro. Both men had a wide streak of bad boy. Ali was like a fire, hot and sometimes unpredictable, never quite tamed. But Del…he could be a very cool customer. He’d do everything on his terms, in his time, his way. And show zero emotion doing it.

Now, he gave off the vibe of a predator. Shanna swallowed and raised her chin as he sauntered closer.

“Can I take your coat?”

Feeling too vulnerable for her comfort, she unbelted the garment and stripped it off. The red corset underneath and the matching black thong, garters, and stockings went way beyond suggestive. Being naked would make her feel more clothed.

Del whistled, looking her up and down, lingering on her breasts. “You look hot. Damn hot.”

She cleared her throat. His hungry gaze eating her up when she’d last been on stage with Alejandro had turned her on. Being alone with him, having him this close, while he wore that ravenous expression? Disturbing.

She shrugged off his comment casually. “A costume like any other.”

“You and Ali got a real thing going?”

Shanna frowned. When this was over, it was unlikely she and Alejandro continue to see each other. They were from different worlds. Whatever they might have had would be another casualty to her ambition. It didn’t bother her. Well…it shouldn’t.

But something wretched and heavy that felt an awful lot like regret smothered her. Pain followed. It wouldn’t do anything but distract her, so she shoved it down.


Flashing her a hot smile, Del leaned in until he was invading her personal space. “That’s good news. Very good, in fact.”

The rapacious way he watched her gave her major pause.

“When you and Ali are done here…maybe you and I could hook up?” he dragged a fingertip down her arm, leaving a prickle of unease in his wake.

Did Del really imagine that after having sex with his friend and business partner, she was just going to throw Ali over and hop in his bed?

She put space between them. “I don’t think so. Get your hand off me.”

He complied slowly. “If you and Ali don’t have a thing going, why not? You’re a gorgeous woman. I’ve seen you in action, and you make me hard. I’ll treat you right, make you scream. I hear you’re good at switching partners. C’mon. What do you say?”

He reached around her and slung his hand low on her hip, almost on her ass.

Fury erupted in Shanna’s gut. She grabbed his wrist, squeezed his pressure point until he winced, then shoved his hand away from her backside.

“What the hell are you thinking? No, the better question is, which part of your body is doing the thinking for you? I’m pretty sure I know the answer.” She cut a derisive glare in the vicinity of his crotch, then shot a quick glance to the door. Where was Ali?

“What’s the problem, baby?” He moved in closer again.

Her temper flared. Douche bag!

She lifted her foot and dug her stiletto into his toes. He swore, and she smiled. “The problem is, I’m supposed to have sex with your friend in less than five minutes. Let’s focus, shall we?”

His voice was strained as he reached down to cradle his injured toe. “You don’t get sentimental about your partners. And you said you weren’t involved with Ali. So why shouldn’t I ask a gorgeous woman if she wants to hook up?”

Why, indeed? Del was attractive physically. She doubted he would be demanding of her time or try to delve into her psyche. Del would never take her to his bed after a wild night on stage, love her privately, and rip past the barriers around her heart. He would probably never press her for more than sex.

But if she disliked Alejandro for all those things, why wasn’t she eager to spend alone time with his sinfully good-looking friend?

“Alejandro is your business partner and best friend.”

“Yeah, but if you’re not into him, that makes you fair game.”

Shanna was still processing Del’s words when he grabbed her and crushed her body against his. His mouth swooped down, and he captured her lips. At the first swipe of his tongue against hers, she knew nothing but panic.

And pure rage.

She twisted in his grasp until she delivered a hard knee to his balls. He backed away instantly, doubled over and clutching himself.

“What the hell is your problem?”

“I’ll tell you exactly what I’ve told Alejandro: I have the most important competition of my career to focus on. I intend to win, and anything else is just a distraction I don’t need.”
