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Sawyer nodded. “For better or worse, though. This is definitely the worst.”

We dropped the subject when we walked inside and saw a table of other coaches from youth hockey. Gizzard and several Mavericks players coached when we were able to with our schedule, and there were others who did the same. It was never the same group twice.

Nash’s girlfriend Sariah had saved seats for us, and he kissed her on the cheek as he slid into the seat next to hers.

“The cheek?” I gave Sariah a thumbs-down. “You want me to show you how a real man greets his girl?”

Nash scoffed. “Like you’d know. You haven’t had a girlfriend since fetch was a thing.”

“Stop trying to make fetch happen,” Sariah said. “It’s not going to happen.”

“Exactly my point.” Nash grinned.

Jolie made a little bowing motion to Sariah with her arms from the other side of the table.

“You got your guy to use Mean Girls references correctly. I bow down to you.”

Sariah gave her a triumphant look. “We take turns picking the movie for movie night.”

“What did you pick on your last night?” I asked Nash.

He grinned at Sariah. “Babe?”

Sariah’s expression turned serious as she said, “Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.”

“The Godfather,” I said approvingly. “A true classic.”

Nash put his arm around Sariah and kissed her temple. He’d been the last of my teammates I expected to settle down, but he’d found someone perfect for him, and I often found myself wishing I had what he did.

Not Sariah, of course, but someone of my own I could have inside jokes and movie nights with. Someone who would save me seats and remind me my mom’s birthday was coming up.

It was next to impossible, though, when I never knew if women liked me for myself or for being a professional athlete with a professional athlete’s salary. The few times I’d had girlfriends since getting drafted, they’d wanted to be seen with me, and they’d agreed with everything I said or did like I was incapable of being wrong. Even Missy, the girlfriend I’d proposed to last year, had been more excited about my job than me. She’d turned me down, which, in retrospect, was the right call.

I wanted someone like my teammate Wes’s wife, Hadley, who was his best friend and fiercest ally, but also the first one to call him out on his bullshit.

“Is your girlfriend coming tonight, Michael?” one of the female volunteer coaches asked me.

“Oh, it’s Boone, and I’m single,” I said.

Nash put a hand next to his mouth like he was about to tell her a secret, and then he loudly announced, “He was born without a nut sac. It’s just a little tiny flap of skin.”

I shook my head. “You’re so full of shit.”

The woman looked back and forth between us like she wasn’t sure who to believe.

“He’s got balls,” Sawyer said, settling it. “I mean, technically. He’s still a pussy.”

Her face lit up and she laughed. “Well, I’m Jana, and I loved the way you raced that group of boys at practice and let one of them win.”

Sawyer and Nash exchanged a look and Sawyer said, “He was trying his best, Jana. That seven-year-old was just a beast.”

Jesus, they were on a roll tonight. Jana’s eyes widened like she was once again unsure whether he was telling the truth, but Jolie laughed beside her.

“Does anyone want to share wings with me?” she asked. “I can’t eat a pound because I also want tots, but there’s a special, so I should order the pound.”

I studied her for a couple of seconds as the server set a mug of beer in front of her. A woman who wasn’t afraid to throw down some beer and wings? Now that was hot.

“I’ll share some with you,” I said. “I’m starving, so let’s get two pounds.”

“What kind of sauce do you like?” she asked. “Or do you like rubs?”

Nash’s expression was gleeful. “Does he like rubs? Let me tell”

“Give it a rest, asshole,” I said, shoving his shoulder lightly.

“What?” He put his palms up, feigning innocence. “She set me up perfectly. I couldn’t let that go.”

“Ignore him,” I said to Jolie. “I’ll eat any of the sauces except that mango one.”

“Hmm…” She scanned the menu. “How much spice can you handle?”

I glared at Nash. “Don’t even think about it.”

Jolie laughed, the sound light and genuinely amused. “Are you guys like this all the time?”

I shrugged. “I know he doesn’t look very deep, but Nash has many sides. Sometimes he’s an asshole, but he can also be a complete dick. And other times, he’s a douchebag.”

Sariah met Jolie’s gaze across the table. “Yes, they’re like this all the time.”

“I guess I’ve only seen them on their best behavior when my dad’s around,” Jolie said, giving me a quick look before adding, “but that’s no fun.”
