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I’d thought this thing with Boone and I was different, that he was different, but now I wasn’t sure. Technically, I was on the rebound, so it hadn’t occurred to me that I might start to feel something for him. Something that went beyond mind-blowing sex and a mutual love for Joey. The truth was that I’d never loved Jarvis, so there really hadn’t been a mourning period or any emotional pain to get past. I’d been ready for something—someone—new.

It made no sense that he would blow me off without a word, and there was no way he was that busy. The guys had tons of time on the road, especially when they were on planes and buses.

I decided to text him before I left for my parents’ house for dinner.

JOLIE: Hey. Just wanted to say hi. I haven’t heard from you in a few days. Everything okay?

He didn’t respond, so I changed into jeans and a sweater and headed out. I’d put in eight hours editing and reworking my dissertation, so it would be good to spend the evening with Mom and Grandma G.

I picked up Grandma on the way and we chatted as I drove.

“I feel like I should move to an island in the Caribbean,” she said. “Somewhere warm and sunny and on the beach.”

“What about hurricanes?” I asked.

She shrugged. “You gotta go sometime, right? Live a wonderful, relaxed life on the beach and die happy, or stay here and freeze to death.”

I laughed. “You have a lovely, warm apartment. What’s up with this sudden need for change?”

“I’m old but not dead. And I’m in a rut. I need an adventure.”

I glanced over at her. “Then go on a cruise. I’d be sad if you moved away.”

“You were going to move to Chicago.” She pointed out.

“I don’t know that I was,” I admitted. “I know that was the plan, but somehow, deep down inside, I’m not sure I believed the wedding would ever happen. I think there was part of me waiting for him to dump me so I wouldn’t have to deal with my father. When he didn’t, I had to do something drastic.”

“It was certainly drastic.”

“I’ve been dating Michael Boone,” I blurted out.

“Well. Now it all makes sense.”

“What makes sense?” I asked, frowning.

“Your father was on a tear the other day. I was over at the house and he was talking to your mom about you and Jarvis, asking her what she thought he should do to get the two of you in the same room together.”

I groaned. “Seriously?”

“I’d nodded off on the couch, so they thought I was asleep. Your mother suggested he not do anything until after you defended your dissertation, but your dad said that would be too long, that Jarvis wouldn’t wait forever.”

“He’s going to have to,” I muttered.

“Well, your dad said something like, ‘she’s academically brilliant but has no idea about men. We have to do something to make sure she’s taken care of by the right guy.’ I almost snorted but managed not to since then I wouldn’t be able to eavesdrop anymore.”

That sounded like something my father would say. “You think he knows about me and Boone?”

“He must have an inkling. He sounded desperate to get you and Jarvis back together.”

“I guess now I know what’s going on.” I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, annoyance washing over me.


“He’s gone radio silent. Boone, I mean. Which means Dad got to him.”

“You don’t know that for sure, so let’s not jump to any conclusions.”

“There’s no doubt in my mind. Jarvis still calls me a couple of times a week, even though I never pick up, so I’m sure Dad is hounding him to keep trying while simultaneously doing something to scare Boone off. Dammit.”

“I love my son, but he’s standing on my last nerve,” Grandma G said, her voice laced with irritation.

“Tell me about it.”

“Do you like him?”

“Who? Boone? Of course. He’s…amazing.”

“Then don’t let your father do this to you. Take control of your life, Jolie. That’s why you walked out on your wedding, right? So you wouldn’t be forced to settle for a man you weren’t in love with. If you think Boone will make you happy, fight for it. Fight for him.”

“But at what cost? He’s trying to get traded to Nashville, and Dad can prevent it. I don’t want to be the reason he’s stuck here. Then he’d resent me.”

“He’s leaving the team?” Grandma sounded surprised. “But why?”

“I don’t know for sure. Something about family being there. We, uh, well, we haven’t talked about any of that stuff. It’s been casual, you know? We’ve been getting to know each other. I figured we had time until we had to worry about the future.”

“You know better than anyone how stubborn your father can be. If he got wind of what’s going on…” She lifted a shoulder.
