Page 16 of Fixer Upper

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“Meow.” Dudley jumps up on the bed.

“What do you mean that ship has sailed? I’ve been clingy already?” I roll to my side and give Dudley some love. My phone dings. “Oh, crap.” I sit up and grab it from the bed. “If I don’t read it then I can pretend it’s not there.” Dudley lets out another meow. “You’re right. She’ll keep texting if I don’t reply.” I take a deep breath before I open the message from my mom. I hate that when her name pops up, a sense of dread hits me. It dawns on me that the only person who does call or text that I get excited about is Grams. Maybe I am weird.

Mom: Are you the same size as the last time you were home?

What kind of question is that? I don’t bother asking.

Me: Yep.

Mom: Good, I’m ordering you a few new dresses for church.

Her response worries me. I have a closet full of dresses at home my mom deems as church worthy. I hate going to church with her, but I still go. Not that I have a choice.

Me: I don’t need any more.

I have plans to order a few things on my own. I won’t feel so guilty using Gram’s card if I help around here. Plus, I don't want my mom buying dresses that will be useless. I have no plans on going home. The days of my mother making me do things I don’t want are coming to an end. I don’t think Grams will kick me out. She might be mad, though. I’ve kinda lied, and she already footed the bill for this semester. But I hate it there, and I think if I tell her that, she’ll be okay with me not going back. Grams has always wanted me to be happy.

Mom: There is someone I want you to meet. A new dress is in order.

Oh noes. I do not like where this might be going. I knew eventually she was going to start trying to set me up, but I figured she’d wait until after I was done with school. I thought I had more time, but obviously she has other plans.

Me: Okay.

I don’t play into her text because I don’t want to encourage her. I try to recall the last few times we spoke if she brought up anyone. She talks about a million and one people from her church to me as if I know them. I can’t keep them straight. I’d feel bad about it, but I bet my mom couldn’t name one girl from my dorm.

Mom: Are you okay?

“Shit.” I should be asking a million questions. That’s what I’d normally do if I thought she was up to something.

Me: Yeah, studying for a test.

It’s way easier to lie when you text.

Mom: Good luck.

I let out a long breath. It’s only a matter of days before this jig is up. I’m going to use every one of them and enjoy them to the fullest. If or when my mom puts together that I’m not at school, nor am I coming home, she might make her way here. Her head would explode if she saw Rowan working around Grams’ house.

Rolling off the bed, I go and take a shower. I take my time getting ready in hopes that I’ll run into Rowan. Who am I kidding? If I don’t, I’ll end up at his door.

How naughty would it be if I didn’t wear panties? My dress hits a bit above my knees. I don’t think anything will show. It would only be exciting if Rowan happens to end up with his hand under my dress. What would he think? A smile forms on my lips. There is only one way to find out.

“He won’t think I’m a hussy, will he?” I ask Dudley, pulling them off. “Not that there's anything wrong with being one. It might be fun to be one for Rowan. I bet he’s used to having women fawn all over him. I’ve seen it for myself already.”

Rowan did get all worked up about the guy at the hardware store. I’ve never been a fan of violence, but that was kind of hot. It was really twofold. It was nice to have someone stand up for me when they thought I was being treated wrong, but it was also nice to think that I could draw the eyes of other men. That they desired me. It’s something I’ve never felt until Rowan.

I’m not sure if it’s some of the comments from girls growing up or the fact that I haven't spent much time around men. The only reason I have to believe that I might not be pretty is because of them. Rowan is the hottest man I’ve ever seen in my life, and he keeps on touching me. He doesn’t want me flirting with anyone else. So I must not be that bad.
