Page 2 of Fixer Upper

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Edith’s face lights up. “She’s here!”



As excited as I am to be here, a tinge of sadness fills me. My grams’ home is how I remember it, but I can tell that time has taken its toll on the beautiful Victorian house. It has been over ten years since I visited last. My mother was a bit spiteful after my father up and left. I never understood her logic that keeping me from his mother somehow hurt my father. It really only hurt me.

I don’t think it was much of a surprise when my father did leave. He and Mom met when she was on a mission with her church in Turkey. My dad had to be a sweet talker, because he ended up getting her pregnant. They never did marry, which drove my mother insane. I’m pretty sure that was only because of how others might have perceived her at the church. Everything in her life centered around that–how she looked to others.

She thought over time she would wear my father down, but in the end, it only drove him away. His trips for work started to become longer and more often. Then he stopped coming at all. The calls became less frequent until they too eventually stopped. At least that’s how I had perceived it.

It wasn’t until my mom told me that I would be entering a private school that Grams came back into my life. I didn’t have to ask; I could tell from the fancy boarding school that there was no way my mother could afford it. Nor the college that I’d gone to after that. I’m not sure which I disliked more, the private schools or my mother home schooling me. They both had major downfalls. The homeschooling had sheltered me, and the college atmosphere had overwhelmed me. I never fit in anywhere.

Either way, that doesn’t matter at the moment. I’d made my escape. Does it count as an escape if you’re an adult? I told my mom spring break wasn’t until next week, which was a lie. It has just started, and when it’s over, I’m not going back to school. That gives me a week before the university notices that I’ve up and disappeared. They’ll reach out to my mom, and then the jig will be up. I wonder if she’ll think I’m here or that I ran off with some boy.

I snort at the idea because it’s a ridiculous one, but I’m sure that’s where her mind will go first. If it were possible, she’d have a chastity belt on me. Hell, knowing my mom, I’m still shocked that she had casual sex while out on some church mission. I’d love to hear the story, but she’d die before ever telling me. I think she’s trying to make up for what she considers her past mistakes with my father by controlling my life. If she keeps me away from the opposite sex then I can’t get pregnant.

I take a deep breath and push all thoughts of my mom to the side. I don’t want all of that to ruin my reunion with my grams. I lift my hand and knock on the door. The car I’d hired to drive me from the airport is already pulling away. I hope Grams didn’t forget that I was coming today. Before I boarded my flight, I called her to make sure.

When I reached out to her a few weeks ago about coming to stay with her, she sounded excited, but I can’t help but be a bit nervous. Each time I talk to Grams, she always says that she loves me, but I know I can be a bit much at times. My mom had always said it, but I brushed it off. Mom talked about everyone, so I took the things she said with a grain of salt. It wasn’t until I entered school that I realized there was some truth to her words.

I get excited and curious. My mouth opens before my brain really processes what I’m going to say or ask, and I ask everything. It might not have only been my mom that sent my father running. Expecting Grams, I smile when the door swings open. Instead, a very tall, handsome man in dirty jeans and work boots stands before me. His plain black shirt stretches tightly against his broad chest. For once, I open my mouth and no words come out. The man is twice my size.

“Don’t stand there blocking the entrance. Let my granddaughter in,” I hear Grams say from behind him somewhere. I can’t see her. The man fills up all the space in front of me. He grunts, taking a step back. I get the impression he’s not too happy that I’m here.

“Hi.” I chirp, giving him a smile as I slip past.
