Page 23 of Fixer Upper

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“You with me?” Rowan presses a kiss gently to my lips. I part them for him, letting myself get lost in his kiss. His words sink deeper into me.

“I’m with you.” I wrap my legs around him. Rowan pulls out slowly, then thrusts all the way back in. “Rowan.” He’s everywhere. No part of me is untouched by him. “Take me,” I say against his mouth, knowing he’s holding back.

“Bunny,” he warns, but it only spurs me on. “So fucking tight,” he grits out.

“I want to feel you come inside me.” I lift my hips to meet his thrusts.

“Then make me,” he growls against my mouth. I slip my hand between us, my fingers going to my clit. Rowan pushes harder, his cock hitting deep. “Come for me, Bunny. Lock your greedy pussy around me and suck every drop from me.”

“Rowan!” This time I scream his name. The orgasm hits me hard. This one is different from the others. He grunts, thrusting two more times before pushing as deep as he can.

He groans my name into my neck. My sex flutters around his cock when warmth blooms inside of me. He’s right. I am greedy for him. I tighten my legs around him, not wanting him to go anywhere.

“You have a very dirty mouth,” I whisper. Rowan’s cock jerks inside of me. I swear I feel him come more.

“You have a very greedy pussy.”

“I think you’re right.” I can’t deny it. I still want more. Rowan rolls over, taking me with him so I’m now on top.

“I know I am.” He grips my hips and lifts me a few inches before pulling me back down. “I can see it for myself.” Roman repeats the action, sliding me up and down as he watches his cock slip in and out of me. I feel some of his cum spill free. “And I’ll make sure it stays that way.”

I want to make him promise, but the words get caught in my throat. Only moans escape. I just pray he doesn’t change his mind.



Her skin is beautiful in the golden morning light, her lashes resting against her cheek. How did I ever manage to bag such a gorgeous woman? I don’t know, but I’m never letting her go.

I wore her out last night, giving her so many orgasms she begged me to stop. I didn’t … at least not right away.

I drop a gentle kiss on her forehead, then ease out of bed, pull on some boxer briefs, and quietly go to the kitchen. Coffee’s already brewing thanks to the automatic setting, and I pull out some eggs and bacon.

Before long, the small cottage smells like breakfast, and the rooster at the far back of the property is letting everyone know it’s time to get up. I plate the eggs, bacon, and buttered toast, then take it back to my bedroom.

Charlie watches me, a smile playing across her lips as I sit beside her. “Hungry?”

“Starving.” She scoots up in the bed, the sheet wrapped around her.

“Then you’re in luck.” I put a napkin on her lap, then her plate. After handing her the cup of coffee, I load up her toast with eggs and bacon.

“Mmm. You made it just the way I like. Too much cream and extra sugar.” She blows on the coffee then takes another drink. “So good.”

“I figured you wanted it just as sweet as you are.” I hold the loaded toast to her mouth, and she takes a bite.

A little moan rises in her throat as she chews.

“You like it?”

She nods.

I feed her until the toast is gone. “Want more? I have plenty.” I stand, and she grabs my wrist.

“I’m stuffed. How about you?”

“I taste as I go.” I sit down and put the plate on the bedside table, then kiss her.

She parts her lips for me, her tongue dancing with mine until I pull back to give her air. My gaze strays down her body, her nipples hard against the sheet.

“Come to think of it, you look good enough to eat.” I kiss her again, pulling her to me, the sheet falling to her lap.

When her hard nipples press against my chest, I groan and slide my hands lower, cupping her warm ass.

A knock at my front door brings a growl from me.

She turns her head. “Who is it?”

I kiss her throat, tonguing her sweet skin then dropping lower and sucking on one of her hard nipples.

“Mmm.” She runs her fingers through my hair.

The knock comes again, louder this time.

“They can wait.” I drag her down in the bed and suck her other nipple, her hands roving my shoulders.

“Charlie!” A shrill voice.

Charlie gasps. “Oh, no. It’s my mom.”

She pushes at my shoulders as I nibble on her breast.

“She can wait.”

“Charlie, come out here right now! I know you’re in there!”
