Page 29 of Fixer Upper

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What’s wrong with being a handyman? I’ve never seen my mom work a day in her life. I love Rowan’s hands. They are rather handy.

“He may be more than that if my research is correct.” Jacob glances at me in the rearview.

“What?” my mother asks. “What does that mean?”

“Never you mind about it.” He sounds irritated.

“Look, I don’t have any money. No matter what he is, he’s obviously not using me to get rich.”

“See? Naïve.” Mom scoffs. “If something were to happen to your grandmother, you would be very wealthy. You have to know she’s leaving everything to you.”

Rowan isn’t like that. He doesn’t care about money. Nothing about him has made me think that. “Nothing is going to happen to Grams.”

“She’s old, and accidents happen, but that’s for another day. Today, you need to marry Jacob.” An evil smile crosses my mother’s face that sends a chill through my body.

There is no way she would kill Grams. Would she? I wouldn’t give her a dime. Oh, God. My heart lodges in my throat. She drugged and kidnapped me. I don’t think there is a limit for my mother at this point. Not when it comes to this. It’s safe to assume the woman is in a cult. That she will stoop to any level for them.

“You’re going to have to kill me too.” That might be better than being trapped in a forced marriage with my mother and Jacob.

“I wouldn’t kill you, Charlie. You’re my daughter. Stop with the dramatics. Jacob wants children. I promised him.” She strokes his cheek again. This time, he smacks her hand away.

“You’ll be an obedient wife,” Jacob confirms.

“I won’t marry you. You can’t force me.”

“You’ll be surprised what my father and his church are capable of.” Jacob sits up straighter. “Don’t make this harder than it has to be, Charlie.” There is no missing the threat laced into his words.

Tears spill down my cheeks. What if I can’t get away? Grams can’t come for me. Would Rowan chase after me?



Jacob turns down a lane that sweeps over some rolling hills and disappears past a tree line. I follow, keeping my distance so I don’t spook him into doing anything stupid. Charlie is in that car.

He doesn’t notice me at all as I turn in behind him, his car disappearing over the first hill in front of me. We’ve been driving for almost an hour, long past the town where Edith lives, through a bigger city, and back out into a more rural area. There’s nothing out here except cows and churches, so I’m not sure where the hell Jacob thinks he’s taking Charlie, but it doesn’t matter. He won’t have her for long. And if she’s hurt by the time I get to her? I hold the steering wheel in a death grip.

Creeping over the hill, I see Jacob cruising over the next one. He’s picking up speed.

I unlock my phone and click on my maps app to figure out what the hell could be out here. The area is blank, just farmland, acres of grass and a strip of woods to separate fields. What the fuck are they doing out here? I try to search the coordinates, but my signal isn’t strong enough. I’m going in blind.

He keeps going, all the way until he reaches a large metal building that has the looks of a huge barn. But all the sides are enclosed, and a cross hangs over the main entrance. It’s a church or some sort of creepy religious building. I’ve done my research on Joanna, so I know she’s been a longtime member of the Blood of the Lamb Ministries–a cult with a supposed Prophet as the leader. But other than attending their services, I had no idea she’d gotten in so deep. This is another level.

Jacob parks right at the double doors, as if there’s a spot reserved for him.

Two men walk out toward him, both of them armed with rifles slung over their shoulders. They knew he was coming. I pull in toward the back of the gravel parking lot and ease in between two cars. There are at least 20 vehicles in the lot, but there’s not a soul out in the fields around here. They must all be inside.

I creep between the next row of cars, staying low as Joanna gets out and slams her door. “Finally, we can get this done.”

“This the one with the fortune to her name?” one of the men asks.

“This is my bride, yes.” Jacob opens the back door. When he grabs Charlie and pulls her from the car, I grit my teeth.

“Come on, your father’s waiting. Let’s close this deal.” The other one gestures toward the doors.

“I’m eager to close it, too.” He leans toward Charlie.

She yells and swings at him, which is when I realize her hands are bound. She still manages to make contact with his cheek, and his head whips back as he stumbles to the side.
