Page 31 of Fixer Upper

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The last thing I want to do is marry Jacob, but there are bigger things here at play than this stupid wedding. They’ve already threatened Grams. I have to keep her safe, no matter what.

“You’re always so helpful, Bella. My wives tell me your sewing is second to none. You will make a good wife soon.” Micah brushes a thumb across her cheek. I want to reach out and smack his hand away from her, but I keep them fisted at my side. At least they untied me. I’ve never found myself to be violent or confrontational, but an anger unlike anything I’ve experienced is bubbling up inside of me at the way these people prey on women. How they use their positions of power to manipulate them.

“Let’s leave them to get ready.” Micah and Jacob start to walk out, but suddenly Micah stops and grabs my chin. He’s a thin man but tall. “Are you sure Jacob is to be your choice?”

“Choice?” I had no idea there were choices.

“I could always take another bride.”

“Father.” Jacob stomps his foot, acting like a child.

“It might draw attention if she marries you.” My mother speaks. “That’s the last thing we need. Someone her own age will present better.”

“So be it.” Micah lets my chin go and walks away. Jacob follows after his father. The second the door closes behind them, I spin around to face my mother.

“What the hell are you doing?” I whisper. “You can’t be serious with this. Have they tricked you? Do they have something on you that they're using against you?” I search for an explanation.

“There is no trickery and no blackmail. This is your destiny, Charlie. I must right my sins.”

“You mean you’re using me to pay for your sins.”

“Don’t forget it was your father who chose not to stick around.”

“Not sure I can blame him.”

My mother launches across the room. This time I know her intentions. I grab her hand before she can strike me. The rage in her eyes is clear. She doesn’t like that I’ve said the truth.

“He abandoned us.” The rage slips away, and for a second, I spot sadness, but it’s quickly covered. No, anger is so much easier for people to deal with.

“He did,” I agree. “Then you abandoned me.” I release her wrist. Because that’s exactly what happened. She may have been there physically, but she checked out on me emotionally.

“I did no such thing. I sent you to the best schools.”

“You got me out of your hair.” It’s not that I’m mad about it. I would have rather been there than with her. Even if I hated the schools. Those were my only two options. I couldn’t go with Grams. I was still my mother’s daughter. There was only so much Grams could do, and if sending me to some fancy school got me away from Joanna, then so be it.

“You’re ungrateful. This only proves to me that you need this life.”

“Dad left, so you let yourself get sucked into this church. I got left twice. First my father, then you couldn’t be happier to get me out of your way. I went to a school where I was awkward. I hated it. But how come in all of that I turned out to be a better human than you?”

“You're a sinner,” she hisses.

“You’re the one having babies out of wedlock. Not to mention sleeping with Jacob.”

The pretty blonde lets out a small gasp.

“You hush.” My mom points her long, skinny finger at Bella. The girl casts her eyes down.

“Aren’t I the first wife? Don’t I get to boss her around?” I ask Bella, thinking she might know these rules.

“Well, yes if—”

“They aren’t married yet. Hold your tongue.” My mother cuts her off. “Get her ready. I’ll be back shortly.” My mom stomps from the room, slamming the door closed behind her.

“She’s a bitch,” I mutter. A giggle pops free from Bella. She covers her mouth with her hand to try and cover it. “How many wives does Micah have?”

“Prophet Micah has ten.”

“He’s no prophet.”

Bella leans in close. “I might agree with you there, but saying such things can get you hurt,” she warns.

“You don’t want to be here?” I whisper.

“Where else is there to be?” She frowns, confused. That anger I was feeling earlier returns with a vengeance.

“A whole other world. This isn’t normal. It’s not right.” I correct the last part because this might be her normal. All she has ever known.

“I never thought it was, but we’re stuck.”

Her words break my heart even more than it already is. I have to figure something out. How can I save them, Grams and myself?

I pray for a miracle. That miracle being the man I love.



The building is vast on the inside, like an anthill with the way parts are segmented into what are essentially dorms, common areas, and eating halls. It seems as if the area I’m in is for the men, and I managed to pass by what must’ve been a class where at least a dozen men sat rapt as someone went over how to clean an assault rifle. Crosses over every door, a gun in every hand.
