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“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.”

She winced. “I’m not usually so accident prone. Sorry to pull you away from what you were doing.”

“Nothing is as important to me as looking after you.”

Don’t take him seriously. He’s joking.

Still she could feel a slight blush filing her cheeks.


“Although I was in the middle of my daily routine of five hundred sit-ups. I’ll have to do the rest when I get back. We don’t want to risk the abs.”

He raised his top, showing off his muscular abs.

“No,” she said faintly. “Must save the abs.”

Was she drooling?

“Hux,” Judd barked. “Drop the T-shirt. It’s inappropriate.”

“Sir, yes, Sir.” Hux let go of the T-shirt and raised his hand up in a salute.

She gaped at the serious expression on his face until he winked at her. “Like that? I was a Ranger for years.”

“You were?” It was hard to imagine him following orders.

“Yeah, I enrolled because I thought the chicks would dig the uniform.”

“Hux,” Judd said again. Although this time his voice wasn’t as much of a bark. “Let’s go. I’ll drive.”

“Nuh-uh, oh fine and glorious leader. I’m driving.”

Judd clenched his jaw. Mr. Control didn’t like hearing that.

“Fine,” Judd grumbled, sitting in the back.

“You can have the front,” she offered.

“Oh, Chloe, when are you going to learn?” Hux said. “A queen doesn’t ride in the back.”

“I’m not a queen.” Far from it.

“Every woman is a queen.” Hux bowed and held out an arm. “Your chariot awaits.”

Judd groaned and she felt bad about keeping him from whatever work he had to do. So she scrambled to get into the ATV. They rode back in silence. Unlike last time, she didn’t get that rush of happiness, of freedom.

Maybe because her body felt beat up and exhausted.

As they pulled up by her suite, she reached for her seatbelt. She fumbled with it and Hux covered her hand with his, stilling her.

“I’m going to shower. Hux, you’re on duty,” Judd barked, jumping off the back and storming away.

She sighed without meaning to.

“Don’t take offense, darlin’. His bark is worse than his bite.”

She wasn’t so sure. But she let Hux brush her hand away and undo her seatbelt. However, he placed a hand on her thigh to still her before she could climb out of the ATV.

“Now, as much as I like being the white knight, riding to the rescue, I don’t like that you keep getting hurt.”

She gave him a surprised look. He’d gone from joking around to softly chiding her.

Inside, she squirmed.

She hated doing the wrong thing. Being reprimanded.

But he was right. She was messing up constantly.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’ll try to be more careful.”

“Not a matter of whether you’re careful or not, little darlin’,” Hux told her. “I’m just worried about you.” His gaze had turned serious.

Happy, easygoing Hux was easy to be around. To like.

But serious and caring Hux. Well, he could suck her into his vortex and she was certain she’d never find her way free.

“I’m fine,” she said confidently. “Just having a few off moments.”

“A few off moments, huh. Did you drink anything this morning? Have you eaten? What about last night?”

She bit her lip. Damn, it was nice that he cared. Had he left her that food in the suite? She almost didn’t want to ask. And she knew that she couldn’t give in to the urge to let him look after her.

“Hux, it’s nice that you care. But I’m not your responsibility.”


Not his responsibility, huh?

Why did he feel like she was?

Hux watched as she moved toward the suite.

There was something off about her. He eyed her. When Judd contacted him, he’d said that she couldn’t run anymore. That she’d tripped and fallen.

But he hadn’t said anything about her being injured. The knees of her pants were dirty. Had Judd checked her over?

Why was she holding herself so stiffly?

Did she just limp? Or did he imagine it?

He sighed. There was something going on with this girl. Something more than they could see. Sure, she usually looked like things didn’t affect her.

But you just had to look closer.

Like when Judd just stormed off.

He knew how to throw a tantrum. Maybe someone should spank his ass. Hux snorted at the thought. After returning the ATV, he went back to the house he shared with his teammates. Judd was just coming out of his room.

He’d obviously showered and dressed.

“What are you doing here?” he snapped at Hux. “You’re meant to be guarding His Lordship and Ms. Reed.”

Hux raised his eyebrows. “I’m going to have breakfast. Which is what I was doing when you interrupted me before.”

“Someone has to watch them.”

Hux sighed. “It’s still two hours until they leave for the tours. I’m not standing outside waiting for her to shower and eat. Not all of us are that paranoid that we feel the need to stand guard all night.”
