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“Seems we are,” Beck said, eyeing Judd.

“I don’t think we should. Too many unknowns,” Judd muttered.

Hux knew he’d say something like that. He turned to Beck. He fully expected him to vote with Judd. Beck was ultra-cautious as well.

“Judd’s right,” Beck said. “We don’t know her. And I’ve barely talked to her.”

Disappointment filled him.

“But I’m willing to have an open mind. And I think it’s time we thought about trying to find someone again. Maybe it won’t be Chloe, but we can’t keep pushing everyone away. My momma always says that sometimes you just have to take a chance and keep the faith.”

Out of all of them, Beck was the only one to have a normal family. His mom called every week to talk to him and sent him care packages.

Hux felt jealous of that. Their closeness. All he’d ever had from his father was abuse and ridicule.

That bastard is no longer in your life.

“I want her,” Owen said quietly. “Not just anyone.”

“She’s leaving soon!” Judd protested. “She doesn’t know anything about being part of this lifestyle. She’s not a Little. Or a sub. And what if she’s not interested in us?”

“She wants me. I can tell,” Owen said confidently.

“And who says she’s not a Little or sub?” Hux said. “I get that she’s reserved, but I think she’s hiding a lot.”

“Like her real feelings toward her boss,” Beck said quietly.

“What do you mean?” Hux asked.

“I think she might be scared of him. Or, at least, she acts real hesitant around him. She watches him carefully. You haven’t noticed?”

“He hurt her?” Owen snarled.

“Why would she work for him, though?” Judd asked. “Surely, she could just leave.”

“It’s easy to get stuck in a situation that you can’t find your way free from,” Hux murmured. “We need to protect her if he’s hurting her. I’ve noticed she’s a little jumpy sometimes.”

“Not saying it’s physical,” Beck said. “And I could be wrong . . . but something is off.”

That just made Hux more determined to spend time with her.

“Hux, you’re on duty with me today. You’ll take the girl.” Judd stormed off.


This wasn’t going to be easy.


Her ankle was killing her.

They’d just finished their first factory tour and she wasn’t sure how she would manage another.

And she had to pretend that it wasn’t hurting or she knew Jonathan wasn’t going to be happy. He’d likely forbid her from running.

Can’t have his property getting hurt.


She felt like she was unraveling. And the threads were coming apart so quickly that she didn’t have a hope in hell of weaving them back together.

It didn’t help that she wasn’t sleeping or eating properly. Old demons had been stirred, making her anxious and jittery.

Today’s meetings were even more boring than yesterdays. And she hadn’t thought that was possible.

“We’re going to have to make a change of plans,” Jonathan said suddenly.

“What?” she asked, staring at him in confusion.

Hux was sitting back here with them, while Judd was up front.

“Adeel just sent me a message. He can’t meet tomorrow but has time for me this afternoon. Can you tell the driver?” he asked Hux.

“Sure.” He lowered the screen and spoke quietly to the driver.

“What about the second factory tour?” she asked, bringing out her tablet.

“Move that would you, dear?”

Sure. She’d just inconvenience everyone by shifting an appointment last minute. She had to hide her annoyance, but by the time they pulled up outside the same building as yesterday, she had it sorted.

She followed Jonathan inside, trying to concentrate on her steps, and smiled through greeting Mr. Fical. Finally, she could sit. She zoned out as the two men started to talk.

“Chloe dear.”

She nearly startled, only catching herself at the last moment. “Yes?”

Shoot. She glanced around and saw it was only the two of them. Where had Mr. Fical gone? They’d come back to meet with the same guy from yesterday . . . why, she had no idea.

“You’re looking exhausted.” Jonathan’s sharp eyes took her in.

“Sorry. I didn’t sleep well. I’ll do better.” She sat up straight, putting her hands in her lap.

“Nightmares?” he asked. He looked almost sympathetic.

That couldn’t be right. He didn’t have an ounce of empathy.

“Um, yes.”

Jonathan nodded. “You should have told me. You could have stayed back at the palace today.”

“I could have?”

Who was this and where was the real Jonathan?

“Of course. I’m not a slave driver, dear.”

“No, of course not.” He just worked her seven days a week, every week of the year.

No wonder she was exhausted.

“Why don’t you go out and have a coffee, get something to eat.”

“I, um, but you’ll need me, won’t you?”

“I can get by for an hour or so. This will be boring for you.”

All the meetings were boring, but she didn’t say that. Her suspicions were aroused but what could she say? That she found it strange that he never wanted her around when he met with this guy?
