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“But it won’t go beyond the four of us. We know how to keep a secret. However, it’s not something to be ashamed of. And you’d be surprised by how many people around here are in that sort of relationship.”


“Yep. No one is going to judge you or insult you. And if they do, you tell me.”

Right. No one but Jonathan. That thought sobered her.

“There’s actually a large play area attached to this shop for big Little boys and girls.”

There was?

Were they truly that accepting of relationships like that here?

She brushed her hand over the teddy bear’s fur.

“Take me home, Chloe,” Hux said in a high-pitched voice. “I’ll be your good friend. I’ll listen to your secrets and give good cuddles.”

She eyed him. “That’s your teddy bear voice?”

“What are you talking about? That wasn’t me talking. It was Theo bear.”

She shook her head. “That was a terrible teddy bear voice. He’d sound more like this. Hello, I’m Tickles the bear. Will you take me home with you?”

“Tickles? His name isn’t Tickles. Although he probably gives good tickles.” He moved the bear toward her, running his furry arm over her face. “Tickle. Tickle. Tickle.” Tickles brushed his furry arm over her face.

Giggles flooded out of her, shocking her. When was the last time she’d laughed? She couldn’t remember.

“Stop! Mercy!”

Tickles the bear was pulled from her face and Hux gave her a satisfied smile. “Got you to laugh.”

She heaved out a breath with a smile. Until her phone started ringing, surprising her. She looked around for her handbag. She’d dropped it by the beanbag chair. Reaching over, she scrambled through it for her phone right as it stopped ringing.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Everything okay?” Hux asked.

“That was Jonathan’s ringtone.” She found her phone just as it started ringing again.

“H-hello?” Shoot. She needed to sound calmer than that.

“Are you all right, my dear? Did I interrupt something?” he asked smoothly.

She had to hide a wince at his tone. He sounded almost kind. Fatherly.

“Sorry. I was in the bathroom,” she lied. “Is everything okay?”

“Perfectly fine. We’re just wrapping up. I’ll meet you at the car in five minutes?”

Shoot. They’d have to hightail it back.

“Yes, of course.”

He ended the call abruptly.

Shit. He was annoyed with her. He hated when she didn’t answer his call straight away. She had to get back. Right now.

Grabbing her handbag, she started running toward the front door, ignoring the way her ankle protested.

“Whoa, little darlin’, where are you rushing off to?” Hux grabbed her around the waist just as she reached the door.

She let out a startled cry. Shoot. This guy was always touching her or grabbing hold of her.

And the thing was . . . the more he did it the more she grew used to his touch.

“I have to go. Put me down, Hux.”

“Not until you tell me why you’ve gone pale and you’re trying to run off when I already told you that when I’m guarding you that you don’t go anywhere without me.”

“Hux, now isn’t the time. Jonathan needs me back there in five minutes.”

“And when Jonathan speaks, you listen, huh?”

“He’s my boss, Hux.”

“No, there’s more to this than that. He’s not just your employer, is he?”

Shit. He was way too observant. She could see how people were fooled by him. He made it seem like he wasn’t paying attention, when in fact, he saw far too much.

“I need to go, Hux.” She pulled herself together.

“All right. We’re going. But we aren’t running. Don’t think I haven’t forgotten about your sore ankle. I won’t risk you harming yourself any further.”

Shoot. Yep. There was that Daddy side.

They made their way back to the building. It took longer than five minutes. She sighed in relief as they headed to where the car was parked out front. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be upset at having to wait for her.

Suddenly, Hux stilled. What was wrong?

Then she saw a group of people rushing toward them. Their signs were waving in the air as they started yelling.

What was happening? Hux quickly picked her up and started racing toward the building entrance. But they weren’t going to make it. Had these people been hiding in wait? What the heck? And she thought that they were meant to be peaceful protestors.

All of the yelling was in Escanaian and she couldn’t understand it. But she got the general idea.

They didn’t want her here.

Maybe Hux too.

And they weren’t afraid to make their voices heard.

Hux placed her on her feet as they became cut off from the building, but he kept one arm around her as people pressed around them, reaching for them. It was terrifying being stuck in a crowd of people yelling at them, shoving them. Someone tried to grab her arm and she shook them off.

Another person scratched her chest.

The potential for violence was ripe in the air. She could almost taste it.
