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Was it because she was ready to die? Heck, she thought she’d been ready for that for a long time.

Or was it because she didn’t believe that he’d ever kill her? It was a mistake to be trusting. She knew that.

But her stupid heart wasn’t listening.

She was tense, waiting for Owen to grab her again, and she wasn’t paying attention to where she was stepping. A wave of light-headedness hit her and her sore ankle rolled slightly. She felt herself starting to fall. Someone grabbed her, lifting her into the air before she could hit the floor.

She was held cradled against a wide chest. She glanced up, fully expecting to see Owen’s face.

Shock filled her as she stared up into Judd’s firm jaw.

Why would he pick her up? Half the time she didn’t think he liked her. Even if he’d helped her today. That was just because of his job. She wasn’t even sure why she’d been attempting to smooth things over between him and Caleb earlier by the car. She should let him get pulled off her security detail or fired or whatever.

The guy was a jerk.

Yet, he held her gently in his arms and when he glanced down at her, she thought there was concern in his eyes before it was wiped away.

“Why are you carrying me?”

“I thought that would be obvious. Are you more hurt than you’re letting on?”

“I’m fine.”

Owen let out a low noise. “Stop lying, baby girl. I’m keeping track and there’s going to be a reckoning.”

No, there wouldn’t be. Because she was leaving soon. In less than a week. And during the rest of her stay, she would have to do her best to stay away from them.

Screw Jonathan’s request.

They reached her suite and she became aware of Caleb and Hux standing by the door, watching them.

“Chloe? Are you all right?” Hux walked up to them, looking concerned.

She wanted to reassure him. But this is where she started pulling back. “I’m fine.”

“That’s five,” Owen warned quietly.

What? Five what? What the heck was he talking about?

“Please put me down,” she said to Judd.


“Judd,” Caleb said warningly. “Ms. Reed wants you to put her down.”

“She nearly fell. I’ll put her down when she’s sitting or lying down on something,” Judd said.

Like on his lap?

Or in his bed?

Shit. She had to stop this.

“My ankle just turned. I’m fine.”

“Give her to me,” Hux insisted.

“No.” Judd just started walking toward the door. Hux leaped forward to open it. Behind her, she was certain she heard Caleb muttering about people losing their minds.

She winced. She needed to stop creating scenes.

This wasn’t how she was supposed to conduct herself.

“Chloe, my dear. What is going on? I thought you were all right?” Jonathan stepped up to where Judd still had her in his arms. If she let herself, she might melt into him. Bury her face in his chest. Breathe him in.

But she couldn’t do that. Because he wasn’t for her.

“I’m fine,” she told him. “Just a bit light-headed. Judd can let me down now.”

“Another five,” Owen said.

Caleb shot him a sharp look. Did he know what Owen was talking about?

“I’ll set you down in your bed,” Judd said. “Where’s Obian?”

“Here.” An older man stepped up to her. He gave her a warm smile before scowling at Judd. “And you need to let my patient go if that’s what she wants.”

“If I set her down on her foot, she’s going to collapse,” Judd said.

“I will not.”

Judd just grunted.

Urgh, he was so infuriating.

“What happened?” Beck asked.

Shit. She hadn’t even realized he was in here.

There were far too many people surrounding her. A tendril of panic started to unfurl. She turned her face toward Judd, taking a few deep breaths. Then a warm hand landed over hers.

“Chloe? Are you well?”

She stared up into Beck’s concerned gaze. It was too much. She was going to lose it. And she wanted to be alone.

“I just want to go lie down. Alone.”

“Judd, put her in her bed,” Beck said quietly. “Obian can check her over there.”

“I’m not leaving her alone,” Judd insisted.

“Ms. Reed? Would you like someone in the room with you?” the doctor asked kindly.

She turned back to look at him. “No. No, thank you.”

She was aware of hot gazes landing on her. But she didn’t look away from the doctor.

“Very well. Judd, please carry Ms. Reed into her bedroom and then leave.”

Whoa. There was some power to the doctor’s voice. Judd was stiff, but he carried her into the bedroom, setting her down. She tried to tell herself that she felt better. That she didn’t want him close, touching her.

But the truth was, she immediately felt at a loss.

“Right, you can leave now,” the doctor said. “Shut the door behind you.”

“We are her security. Someone should stay with her,” Judd said mulishly.

“Out.” Obian pointed at the door. “She’s my patient now. Out.”
