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“You’re doing so well. You had a big day at the beach, didn’t you? I bet you’re a bit tired now.”

She nodded, feeling exhausted.

“It’s okay, Freckles. I’ll take care of you. Let’s get your clothes off you.” His voice was so soothing. She found herself swaying where she stood, wanting to get closer to him. To lean on him.

“Whoa. Come here.” He put the seat on the toilet down and sat, drawing her between his legs. Then he settled her on one thigh so he could undo the back of her dress. He drew the straps down over her arms so it pooled around her waist.

“That’s it. Good girl,” he told her, reaching for the fastening of her bra.

She tensed.

“Hey, if you don’t want me to do something, then all you need to do is say red, understand?”

“Yes, Daddy Beck.”

“Love hearing you call me that.” He kissed her cheek. “But I don’t want to scare you. If you want, I’ll turn away while you strip and get in.”

“No,” she whispered. “I want this.”

He tilted her face back, his lips hovering over hers. “I want to kiss you.”

“I want you to kiss me,” she said boldly.

He moved his mouth over hers, taking her carefully, slowly. It was such a sweet kiss that she was nearly moved to tears.

Nearly. Because she didn’t let herself cry.

Not anymore.

Tears never helped.

“You taste delicious. Open your mouth for me, Freckles. Let me taste you.”

Lord. Yes. She opened her mouth and his tongue slipped inside. It melted her from the inside out. She squirmed on his lap, and could feel him hardening

More. She needed more.

“That’s my girl. Your mouth tastes delicious. I know the rest of you will too. And one day soon . . . I’m going to taste all of you.”

Oh Lord.

“But that’s not what I’m doing right now. Right now, I’m taking care of my Little girl.”

Another shiver. For a completely different reason.

“I’m going to strip you off for your bath now.” He paused for a moment. She guessed he was waiting to see if she objected.

He kissed the top of her head lightly.

“My precious girl.” He slowly undid her bra and slid it off her arms as well.

She tried to cover up her breasts. She’d always felt they were too small. But he drew her hands away from her mounds.

“Little girls don’t need to worry about being naked or what they look like. It’s up to Daddy to take care of them.”

He lifted her to stand between his legs. Her dress fell to the floor, leaving her in just a pair of cotton panties.

His eyes widened as he stared at her panties. Oh no, what was wrong with them? She glanced down.

Oh shoot.

She’d forgotten she was wearing these ones. They weren’t exactly sexy. They had an image of an alpaca on the front sunbathing on the beach.

Slightly odd. But she’d thought they were cute.

But what did Beck think?

“A sunbathing llama. Not what I expected.” He ran his finger over her mound. But that wasn’t enough to distract her from frowning down at him.

“Not a llama, Daddy. An alpaca.” She huffed out a breath, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I do apologize. Didn’t mean to insult your alpaca panties.” His eyes were dancing with laughter. Was he teasing her?

“Good. Because Amy Alpaca doesn’t appreciate being called a llama. Owen already owes her roses.”

“I can’t wait to meet the special alpaca in your life.”

“She’s the only alpaca in my life. Sometimes I think she’s a bit lonely. Alpacas aren’t solitary animals, and I can’t always give her the attention she needs.”

“I’m sure she’s very happy, but we can see about getting her a playmate.”

“I don’t know. Hux and I found Tickles, but . . .”

“Tickles?” he asked as he drew her panties down.

She lifted one foot.

“Hold on to my shoulders as you lift your feet. I don’t want you falling over.”

“I never fall over. I have excellent balance.”

“Your ankle is still tender from the last time you fell over,” he pointed out.

Drat. She couldn’t argue that. She placed her hands on his wide shoulders. She wondered if she could get him to strip off his T-shirt now.

Was he going to join her in the bath? Would they both fit?

He was a big guy. But if she sat on his lap . . .

“Freckles, what were you thinking about just then?” He raised his eyebrows at her. “Tell me.”

“Are you getting into the bath with me?”

A strange look came over her face. “No.”

“Oh.” She wrapped her arms around herself.

“But I am going to make sure you’re taken care of. Don’t worry.” He stood and lifted her up against him.

She hadn’t been worried about that. She’d never felt as cared for as when she was with these men.

It was amazing.

And terrifying.

Because she felt like they were stealing pieces of her, bit by bit. She was showing them all of her.
