Page 56 of Alien Ever After

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“Where were you?”

“Looks like you didn’t need me,” he smirks. “Look at you two, rutting in the ashes of your enemies. There’s something hideously wrong with the pair of you, I hope you realize.”

“We’re not rutting yet,” Emmaline sasses.

She’s right. I need to fix that forthwith.


Charming sweeps me up off my feet, frees his cock, does away with my skirts and surges inside me without so much as a by your leave. Fortunately, I am very much aroused from watching him destroy his lifelong enemy, and so he is not met with tight resistance, but instead great moisture.

“You’re so wet,” he growls against my mouth.

“It’s because curses are sexy and dragons are hot, and watching you burn a wizard was so erotic I’m worried I just got myself a new kink,” I reply with a broad grin. It is so good to see his face again, to be held in his alien arms. He feels right when he is inside me, and I feel properly united with the one I am supposed to be with.

The dragon’s cock surges inside me, and I feel my toes curl as I take that hard rod as deep as I can. I fucking love Charming, and I love him even more as the dragon he is. I don’t need him to pretend he’s a dashing prince, or wise king. I just need him to be his raw, powerful, dominant self. I need him to make my pussy melt around his cock, to make me his, all fucking his.

All around us, the world is collapsing. Blue skies are turning red, pristine castle walls are beginning to blacken, and bones are emerging where lights and candles once decorated the place. It is a familiar sight, and it does not frighten me or even concern me. Charming carries me to one of the remnants of a splintered banquet table, a surface that puts me at the precise height to be bent over and fucked long and hard just as we both need me to be.

I feel him spread my legs and put the hot, thick head of his cock against my slit, teasing me for a moment before returning to my tight interior with a royally rough thrust. My wail fills the air and makes it sparkle darkly.

I love this alien, this man, this dragon, this whatever he is. I love him for all he is, not all he imagines he should be. And I love his broken kingdom, this shattered, ruined world, because I know, even now, in the grips of sexual depravity, that it will not always be this way. We will build a new world together.

I know more than anything that everything is going to be okay. I know it because Charming loves me, because he was willing to give up the kingdom his father died for to find me, because from the moment he found me he has believed steadfastly in me. He may have some old-fashioned beliefs, and he may be a sadist who loves to punish me, but Charming is undeniably the man of my dreams, not to mention my nightmares.

Looking out over the scene of royal destruction as Charming’s thick alien cock plunders me once more, I feel our sexual energies pulsing out around us in all directions. This grand hall was so beautiful when we arrived. Fairytale mirrors and bright lights and lovely purple banners now lie amid the smashed glass and tangled, torn, singed remnants of silk hangings. We have trashed this place, just as surely as I ruined the village in the Far Far away.

Balthazar was not entirely wrong about us. We are two cursed creatures, and we do bring darkness and chaos wherever we go, but what is so wrong with that? Why does everybody have to bring sweetness and light? Why does everybody feel some deep urge to be un-cursed? Maybe we’ve all been cursed forever. Or maybe our various curses are what make things interesting.

I am where I belong. I am shuddering and writhing and bucking my pussy back along the thick length of royal alien cock, I am begging for his lust, for his seed, for his essence inside me. In this cursed world I do not need to be a modest princess having sex only for the purposes of procreation. Instead, I am free to be as wanton as I like.

“I love you, Emmaline, my human princess with no fear of wizards, no understanding of magic, no respect for royalty.” Charming is lecturing me and spanking me even as he fucks me, the connection of our sexes the most primal and important thing. It is by our flesh we are joined. It is our physical love, this animal attraction that makes us powerful.

The heat of his scaled palm sends bursts of pain through my flesh, making my ass swollen and sore as his cock plunges in and out of me, only serving to make me even more aroused.
