Page 58 of Alien Ever After

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My princess and I are sitting out on the very balcony she fell off on her first day here in the Ever After. I’ve had the railings repaired, of course, because though my dragon form is no longer a secret, it is still a very long way down. We are both wrapped in furs, for the tall wind blows very cold, even though the sky is a vibrant red and purple hue and down below us the river runs red with, well, not the blood of my enemies, but an evocation of such.

This world wraps itself around us and grows with us. It is true that I was causing the poison and the pain, but not because I was cursed or evil. It was because I lived in horror of myself, wallowing in guilt and misery, and could see nothing else.

Emmaline wears no ring on her finger, for we are yet to marry. I once thought it was imperative I claim my bride with paperwork as soon as possible, but Emmaline was right from the very beginning. We have no need of paperwork, enchantments, magic of any kind. Those are attempts to trap a particular kind of magic. All we need is each other, and a simple dedication to one another, come what may. That is the true ancient magic, and I feel it every time I look at her.

With this human woman by my side, I am able to see what has been hidden from me for so long. I believed in curses and paperwork. I believed in spells and incantations. All those things have power of a certain kind, but they draw it from baser energies. They are shades of love, not the thing itself.

So, for now, and forever, Emmaline and I have each other — and a hellspawn-infested realm of beast people. One of these days we will marry. One of these days we will produce little princes and princesses of our own. One of these days the skies may even turn blue and the people will have more recognizably humanoid faces, but for now we are all beasts together and that is good enough. This is how we found our…

Happily. Ever. After.

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