Page 84 of Revived Noble

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I bite back a smile as she steps into me. I sidestep, dribbling the ball around her. Pretending I have no idea that she is trying to take the ball back.

“What did I say earlier? Stalker.”

“I’m not,” she huffs, but I’m unsure if it’s from my comment or that I’ve dodged her advance at the ball once more. Not that it matters at this point.

Hailey’s feet lock. Her bottom lip jutted out in the same pouty way our son’s does when he’s frustrated. The muscles in my belly tighten at the similarity.

“My little shadow,” I tease, spinning the ball and hopping it from my thumb to my middle finger. Her eyes widen before they dip to a slant.

I smirk, a little mad but mostly reckless.

Popping it, I regrip it. My knuckles flex smoothly as my wrist straightens to my forearm, holding it back between us. “A peace offering,” I pant, feeling more alive than I have in years.

She juts out her hip and crosses her arms.

“Come on,” I encourage as a flicker of amusement replaces her chagrin. “Take it,” my hand unmoving.

Don’t think, just do. Come on Williams. Come on—

“How do I know you won’t steal it back?” Her posture tall—short compared to me, but unapologetic, nonetheless.

Delight sparks from underneath my skin. Thriving the longer she refuses to give in.


“Not in the slightest.”

“Cute, baby,” I mock, genuinely amused.

“I’m not your baby.”

My smile turns megawatt. “What are you then?”


Hailey stands opposite me, as proud and as satisfied as someone who’s finished a performance on stage. Her retinas shine. The basketball now protected safely behind her back.

I mock, feigning my shock, playing up my part as I place a hand on my wounded heart when really, Hailey’s face was her giveaway. I could read what she was planning a mile away, so I intentionally let her have it back. Loosening my grip and slowing my reaction time, I let her win.

I groan in my distress, emphasizing my failure that much more. Her laugh is infectious. Sweet and as warm as a fresh batch of cookies as she takes off down the court.

I could die tomorrow happy if this was the last sound I ever had to hear again. Jubilant, she’s radiant like this. So carefree.

My long legs catch up effortlessly and in three solid steps, I’ve eaten up the distance.

“Is that what you’d prefer I call you from now on then? Faster?” I’m enjoying myself too much.Hertoo much.

Hailey rotates her waist, blocking me as she swings her elbows to the opposite side. “I already told you what I am. I’m your good luck charm.”

I lean into her back, and again, I let her evade me. “You sure?”


No hesitating. No uncertainty.

The sun gleams, reflecting off her brown eyes, turning them into the color of honey as she angles her chin up past her shoulder.

The confidence in her answer holds me hostage. She throws me off enough that she shuffles past, bouncing the ball once before she shoots. This one not predicted on my part, it’s all her.
