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“Was my initial offer not generous enough?”

Al stopped, stepping out of the way of teeming tourists with ease. He glowered up at Lysias, or tried to. “It’s not generosity—it’s compensation. Besides, I know how much you’re worth.”

“You know how much peoplethinkI’m worth.” He grinned at the boy. “The truth is beyond most people’s comprehension.”

The boy’s eyes widened, and his cheeks turned oddly pink before he looked away once more. He studied the world around them, clearly considering the deal. “I want some money up front.”

“So you can run?”

He shrugged. “Call it insurance.”

Al tried to keep walking, but Lysias reached out and took him by the arm. He pulled the boy close enough, all the way onto his toes, to get his point across. Not a violent threat. Lysias no longerneededviolence.Hewas threat enough.

“Know this, boy. Iwilltrack you down if you take my money and run. To the ends of the earth. No one crosses me. I simply do not allow it.”

Wide, dark eyes watched him. The boy was slight, with delicate features. Lysias couldn’t fathom how he’d survived this long on the streets, let alone doing what he did. Part of Lysias’s defense as an adolescent had been his size and strength. His ability to fight his way out of any predicament.

Al clearly would not be able to do that.

The boy jerked his arm away and Lysias let him, but something about the interaction left him...suspicious. He couldn’t put his finger on what struck him asoffabout the boy, but he didn’t trust him.

“I want an up-front payment,” Al insisted. He nodded to the watch on Lysias’s wrist. “That’ll do.”

Lysias raised an eyebrow. “Do you have any idea what this watch is worth?”

Al grinned, cocky and amused, the first glimpse at a boy who would make a very good spy. “Oh, I’ve got a pretty good idea,ploúsios.”

Lysias was surprised to find himself enjoying the boy’s cheek. Much better than the odd stares that left him feeling as if something were all wrong here.

Lysias slid the watch off his wrist and dropped it into Al’s hand. “It would be easy to track that down if you defy me.”

“Yes,” Al agreed. Simply. Easily. He pocketed the watch, surveyed the crowds around him once more. “When and where?”

“Midnight. My private marina. I’m assuming you can find this on your own.”


“I’ll be there with my man of affairs, so you can be assured you are meeting the correct person. I will ensure you are on the boat and on your way to Kalyva. Michalis will cover your costs while on the island and be your main point of contact. If you do not find me the information I require in a week, we’ll reevaluate the deal.”

Al didn’t study him. He studied his own feet. Then he shrugged. “All right.” And without a handshake or anything else, he took off on a run. Quickly disappearing into the crowd.

Lysias watched. He didn’t think the boy was bolting fromhim. His impression of the boy was someone capable and likely to show up tonight and do the work on Kalyva, butsomethingwas off. Wrong.

Lysias knew this in his bones.

So, after the boy disappeared into the crowd, Lysias followed.


ALTOOKOFFfor a few reasons. Number one, she knew she was being watched—and not by the magnetic Lysias—though him too. No, someone out in that crowd wanted to hurt her. She’d noticed the same man in too many places today, and while she’d never caught his eyes onher, it was too much of a coincidence.

She had to lose him. So she ran.

But it wasn’t theonlyor most alarming reason she’d felt compelled to run. Lysias Balaskas was...problematic. She couldn’t seem to hold his gaze without blushing. She was far too interested in the quirk of his beautiful mouth than what it said.

And thoseeyes. Nothing in her short but eventful life had prepared her for the effect this man had on her. She had dealt with the wealthy, the powerful, the good-looking, but he was in a category all his own. Deep within and elemental, Lysias was different. It terrified her.

Worse, it enticed her.
