Page 19 of Stolen Obsession

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Bright side: they hadn’t killed me, which was something.

What did that mean for me, though? Maybe I could convince them I had no plans to turn them in, and they would let me go.

Don’t be an idiot. My inner cynic was no doubt rolling her eyes like a damn drama queen. They weren’t going to just take me at my word.


It wouldn’t be long before my father noticed I was missing. If not him, then my wicked stepmother sure as hell would raise the alarm. If only to save her own image. She’d always been cruel to me. I was the product of one of my father’s many indiscretions, his illegitimate secret. If anyone were to ask, I was the baby they’d adopted. A poor orphan child in need of a home.

My father, although never cruel, turned a blind eye to the way his wife treated me. All he cared about was her happiness. And Dalia’s, my half sister.

My stepmother was all about social standing. Father might not have been the kindest, but sometimes I wondered if he realized how truly poisonous his wife was. Her claws were dug so deep into my father he was practically her puppet. He didn’t see what I did.

A manipulative cunt monster.

Or maybe he did and just didn’t care.

As the wife of a senator, she had standing. My father was the driving force behind the changes in the city. He was pushing out criminal enterprises to free people from their clutches. It was one of the reasons I became an investigative reporter.

Much to his chagrin.

“We know you’re awake, wildcat,” Seamus murmured behind me, his lips trailing wet heat up the side of my neck. I suppressed the shiver that threatened to run rampant through my body at his simple touch.

Groaning, I slowly opened my eyes. Kiernan’s face was inches from mine, his emerald eyes full of hunger.

“Where am I?” I croaked, my throat dryer than a cotton mill in the heat of summer.

“That doesn’t matter,” Kiernan rumbled, pushing himself into a sitting position, his back against the headboard. He leaned over and grabbed a glass of water from the nightstand. “Take these.”

Seamus helped me sit up. His brother handed me two white pills.Déjà vu. This felt exactly like last night before the shower.

I eyed the pills he dropped into my hands warily, unsure of what they were giving me. Was it a drug to keep me sedated and at their disposal?

“It’s just ibuprofen, Bailey.” Seamus chuckled at my reticence. “We don’t like our woman drugged.”

“I’m not your woman,” I hissed before dropping the pills in my mouth and gulping down the water Kiernan handed me. Damn, I hadn’t realized how thirsty I was.

“Where am I?” I asked again, handing back the empty glass. My gaze drifted around the room, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. The four-poster king-size bed was the focal point. It stood against the main wall, a nightstand on either side. The only other pieces of furniture in the large space were two wingback chairs settled in front of a tiled fireplace.

Despite the oversized furniture, the room felt open and airy, with billowing cream curtains and light gray walls. It just didn’t feel homey or lived in.

“I told you not to worry about that,” Kiernan reminded me harshly. “I won’t tell you again.”

My inner bitch hissed in annoyance at the dominant tone in his voice.

“And I’ll happily scream this place down unless you tell me where the fuck I am and why you took me,” I threatened. Not that I thought it would do any good.

The screaming part. I had an eerie feeling I was in the heart of the lion’s den.

Seamus chuckled darkly.

He dragged me down to lie on my back. “Oh, wildcat,” he cooed mockingly, hovering over me, the warmth of his weight surrounding me, making it hard to breathe. “Scream all you want. This room is soundproof. And even if it wasn’t, no one is going to save you.”

The twins stared down at me, their eyes mirroring one another’s with a desperate lust that had me shrinking back into the mattress.

“So what?” I swallowed hard as I struggled to voice what I was terrified of hearing. “You’re going to rape me? Keep me as your sex toy?”

“Those don’t sound like bad ideas.” Kiernan smirked, running a finger along my jaw. “Here’s the thing,mo fraochÚn beag. We will use you. Pleasure you. Bring you to the brink repeatedly. If you misbehave, we will punish you. If you lie to us, we will punish you. But we will never hurt you.”
