Page 2 of Stolen Obsession

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***This is a COMPLETE rewrite of Irish Whiskey Rules. It has a new plot and new characters and extended scenes. Some things may seem similar but it different. Trust me.



This book can be read as a complete standalone. However, for better reading it is recommended that you read the Shattered World Series first (Or at least the first two books).

But you don’t have to.

I’m not your mom.

You do you.


The parking lot was dark and wet.

Streetlights shimmered off the side of the brick buildings, casting an eerie glow into the interior of my broken-down Jetta. Tears streamed down my face in torrents as I gulped and sobbed into the steering wheel, an empty bottle of Jameson hanging loosely in my hand.

What the fuck had I done to deserve this?

I’d thought we’d seen eye to eye. Our arrangement hadn’t been built on love, but I thought we had an understanding. That maybe, despite our circumstances, we could grow to love one another. Then again, how could a snake love the mouse it strikes at?

Work had been hectic recently, and I knew it had caused a rift between us. Things were heating up on the Ward front, and I was inching closer and closer every day to finding out where my friend had disappeared to. Still, with my busy schedule, I had made time for him when he asked.

If he asked.

Not that he ever did. Now I knew why.

If anything, he should have been grateful for my job and hours. My career as an investigative journalist had kept us afloat when he’d first started his security company. Everything he had was because I’d spent years working my ass off so that he had the capital to invest in his company without taking on too many business loans. It wouldn’t exist without me. All because he hadn’t wanted to ask his father for help.

He had wanted to do something on his own.

I snorted at that. Drew hadn’t done shit on his own. It had all been done for him—by me. He’d spent five years building up the company with moneyIgave him. He even hired my best friend, Brittany, when she needed a job.

The same best friend I had found in his bed sucking his cock, and apparently not for the first time.

Treacherous bitch.

Three years.

Three years of late nights in the office and weekend consultations. That was how long he’d been sleeping with her behind my back. And who knew how many women had come before her. I’d been nothing but a fool. A completely oblivious fool, because everyone had known but me. My friends’ tones when I’d called to ask for a place to stay the night had said it all.

They knew and hadn’t told me.

At least I knew where I stood.

No wonder he hadn’t wanted me to move in with him full time. How many other women had he found over the years? We’d been engaged since I was sixteen. I knew he’d had women before we made the engagement official. My father had told me it was his right as a man, but I was never given the same courtesy. My father made damn sure that I remained virginal until I was eighteen and Drew could claim it for himself.

I’d been naïve then. Wanting so much to prove to my father that I was more than just his bastard daughter. I’d looked away when I saw him out with other women, but the moment we became official, it all stopped, and I thought he’d changed.

Fucker had just been getting it closer to home.

We’d made our engagement official five years ago, on my twenty-first birthday. A long engagement so that he could get his company up and running. And then once it settled, we’d get married. I wondered why he waited so long if he was just planning to cheat on me. There was only one reason, really.

All he wanted was my bank account and the backing my father offered.

Our arranged engagement when I was sixteen had come with strings, and I was nothing but the puppet dancing to the whims of the puppeteers. I took fucking shears to those strings today when I’d seen them together. No one was going to be using me anymore.
