Page 24 of Stolen Obsession

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My gut churned. Unless she did. How many women had they taken “prisoner” before me?

Why did I care? Shaking off the weird, possessive thoughts, I nodded at Nan, my feet hitting the soft carpet floor of the room as I made to stand up.

“Leave the gown,” she ordered.


“Leave it,” she ordered again, her voice harsher now. “Dani here will need to take it with her to be cleaned. This isn’t the place for modesty and weakness. You are prisoner to two of the most powerful Irish men in the country, and you will be put to the test. Swallow your pride and any preconceived notions about what you think you know about mafia families, and you just might survive. Understood?”

Swallowing back the sudden lump of fear welling in my throat, I nodded my head weakly, her words sharper than any blow I’d ever taken.

“Good,” she nodded. “Now, into the shower with you and then come on out. I have some clothes for you.”

She looked away as I stripped the gown from my body and traveled the brief distance to the bathroom. I hurried through my shower routine, doing more of a whore’s wash than anything else. It didn’t seem right to keep her waiting, especially since I’d taken a full shower with Kiernan last night.

A sliver of arousal shot through me at the memory of Kiernan’s hands soaping my body, and it took everything I had in me not to dip my fingers between my thighs at the thought of him doing it again.

Ugh, there was something wrong with me.

I shouldn’t want them.

It was wrong.

They’d killed a man in front of me. Kidnapped me.

My vagina and I should hate them. Little miss hussy, however, wasn’t getting the picture. She just continued to wave her pom-poms around like it was the fucking Super Bowl.

Maybe I could get a lobotomy when this was all over.

Sighing in defeat, wondering what the hell was going on with my libido, I shut the water off and grabbed a towel to dry myself off with. I’d never been like this before.

Wanting sex.

No, needing sex.

They had awoken something in me that had been lying dormant. I didn’t understand the sudden need to be touched by them. I’d never liked PDA with Drew, mostly because the only time he touched me other than sex was at social functions where we played the joyful couple.

I’d thought we’d been somewhat happy and content. Looking back, I realized how often I failed to see the signs. The red flags. The first time after I’d turned eighteen had been fine. Nothing special. I’d moved some of my things into his condo, but he made it clear he didn’t want to live together until after we were married. Our sex life had been active, but for me, undesirable. I did it more out of obligation, and I never initiated it. Drew might have been the one who took my virginity, but Kiernan had been the one to give me my first orgasm. Up until last night, I’d had no idea that sex could be so pleasurable.

Wrapping the towel around me, I stepped back into the bedroom, where Nan still waited. Dani was gone, along with all her stuff.


The two of us stared at one another for a moment, neither of us speaking. She was the first to break the silence.

“Go on then and get dressed.” She ushered me toward the small stack of clothes she’d set on the bed and straightened the room back to what it had been before I arrived. Picking up the first piece of clothing, I realized that they were mine.

“The boys managed to get your suitcase from the car.” She smiled warmly as I slipped on the cozy black leggings and blue tunic blouse. “Once things are more settled, I’ll have them bring everything up.”

No need. I won’t be staying that long.

“Thank you…” I wasn’t sure what to call her. Nan seemed like a family nickname. Her luminous eyes widened, and her smile grew. She hadn’t expected me to thank her. Under the circumstances, I could see why, but having something of my own, even if it was just my clothes, made me feel somewhat normal.

“Siobhan, dear,” she informed me as she took the soiled towel from my hands, placing it in the hamper by the door. “But you may call me Nan.”

“Thank you, Nan.” I smiled at her, more at ease.

“You’re welcome, dear.” She nodded her head. My stomach growled, my cheeks heating in embarrassment at the loud gurgling echoing in the room. “Lunch is being served. Let’s not keep the men waiting.”
