Page 25 of Stolen Obsession

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My smile dropped at her words, my stomach turning queasy. There was no doubt I’d soon be face to face with Liam Kavanaugh, head of the Irish Mafia.

The man who would decide my fate.


Icould still taste her on my tongue.

That delicious nectar that could sate a thirsting man on the brink of dehydration in the desert. Bailey was perfect, a goddess. I’d spend the rest of my life buried between her thighs if I could get away with it.

“Do you think she’ll be of use?” My father sat down at the head of the family table. Sundays were meant for family. If you lived under his roof, you attended lunch and dinner without question. The world had better have ended if it was missed. Not that any of us would. The only person exempt from weekly family time was our mother, and good riddance to that.

Ava had been thrilled about having a weekly family day since she’d never been allowed to linger with the Wards growing up. She’d been isolated most of her life before meeting Dashkov, and even now, I could sense in my sister that there was still the feeling of lingering isolation she was trying to shake.

Unfortunately, her being here also meant that her Russian dick of a husband had to come too.

Just what we needed.

“I doubt she’ll be giving us any insider secrets,” Kiernan admitted with a shrug. “But we can try to see what we can get out of her. Tell her what we know about him. Make her see that he’s not some knight in shining armor.”

“What if she already knows and is complicit?” My father raised a good point. We knew little about Bailey. It was possible that she was in on what her adopted father did in the shadows.

“Her career choice in investigative reporting could be so that she can report back to him on what she finds. Make the charges stick? Maybe plant some false leads that lead to arrests? It would be a boon for Crowe to have something like that working on his side.”

“I wouldn’t think so,” I told him honestly. “Out of all the reporters we know, her articles are the least biased.”

“You should ask about her father’s involvement with Toph Eriksen.”

That came out of left field.

“No one asked you, fucker,” Kiernan growled, earning a stern look from our father.

“Kiernan,” Ava hissed, but the Russian didn’t seem perturbed. He was probably used to being insulted.

“Not polite to eavesdrop,” Kiernan snarled.

Matthias smirked, taking his seat next to Ava, whose place had become on our father’s left side. A place that would have normally been reserved for our mother, but she hardly ever showed up at family dinners, and my father never pressured her about it.

“Your voice carries like a spoiled child begging his mother for candy at the grocery store. Trust me, there was no need to eavesdrop.”

Well, shit. Shots fired.

I couldn’t help but laugh while my brother glared at the man, his own lips twitching mildly, trying his best not to react.

“Whatever,” he mumbled petulantly and took a sip of his beer, his eyes on the elevator.

We’d both been reluctant to leave Bailey with Dani. Our cousin was an amazing doctor, top of her class in med school, but she was a bit rough around the edges. Dani was used to dealing with fuckers in the emergency room at Seattle Memorial, and when she wasn’t doing that, she was attending to the wives and girlfriends of our men, and that meant she had to have a certain hardness to her.

Especially since she took after her mother in the looks department. Most of the wives and girlfriends didn’t want her anywhere near them because it meant their husbands or boyfriends would see her.

Petty bitches.

Dani was also a mafia princess. Her grandfather was my grandfather’s brother. My father’s uncle and that meant she was royalty, and that pissed some of the wives off for sure. She didn’t have to earn her place or marry into it. Whoever she married would be below her in rank, since we didn’t hold women to a lesser standard than men like theBratva.


Apparently, Dracula over there had a similar structure when it came to females who served under him. Even allowing them to become enforcers and hold leadership positions. We hadn’t gotten that far yet. Women weren’t allowed near any type of enforcement positions, but they weren’t kept from the day-to-day dealings if that was what they wanted.

“What can you tell me about Eriksen’s relationship with the senator?” My father’s question dragged me back to the conversation. He quietly ordered a whiskey from one of the kitchen staff we employed on the housing level before turning back to Matthias.
