Page 49 of Stolen Obsession

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“That’s not what I—”

“What you meant?” Kiernan snarled. “What happens if we can’t get her out of there or they drug her? Huh? Did you think of the ramifications of that?”

Ava looked away, somewhat chastened, but it didn’t stop her from whispering, “It might help her find her friend. That’s all.”

“Putting her up for bid would also guarantee a spot for you,” their father put in. “She is of worth.”

Of worth?

“Every woman has worth,” I pointed out.

“Yes,” Liam agreed. “But you are the daughter of an esteemed senator. That holds power. People would pay a lot of money to own something so precious to their rival.”

Yeah, I was precious all right.

As precious as fucking coal in a stocking at Christmas.

But if it meant finding Lina…

“I’ll do it.”


She was grumbling, but it was kind of cute. Her little nose was scrunched up, making her look like a kitten. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of her when she first walked into the room.

Bailey held her coffee tightly in both hands, clutching the warmth to her chest. It wasn’t freezing in the basement of the bar, but it wasn’t exactly Hawaii either. Her raven hair was bundled at the top of her head in a messy bun, errant strays framing her heart-shaped face, blue eyes piercing me

through her obvious irritation.

My cock was already hardening, my mind barraging me with images of what I had planned on doing to her the night before. Instead, we’d tucked her into bed and headed downstairs to make a new plan. One involving Bailey.

I’d much rather have spit roasted her.

It wasn’t a secret that Kiernan and I had been through many women. Owning our first club at twenty-one, plus our devilish good looks, had us in no shortage of available cunts, but Bailey was different. Special.

And completely forbidden.

Maybe that was part of the appeal.

Our father hadn’t pushed us when it came to our plans for the blue-eyed vixen, but there was no mistaking the frustration behind his features whenever she was mentioned. Even at breakfast this morning, the air was thick with his restrained tension as he watched her smile and talk with Nan.

We were short on time.

If we kept Bailey for much longer, we would miss our chance to use her as a spy. The gala was less than a week away. Time was limited, and Bailey’s family would soon begin to get suspicious about her absence.

But letting her go was a risk.

She was our biggest weapon against Crowe, and even though she appeared to be on board with our plan on the surface, Bailey was holding back. There was still a part of her that didn’t believe that her father was capable of the things we had accused him of.

Even with the proof provided to her.

“Nice vision board you’ve got,” Bailey teased. She was standing in front of the large movable whiteboard, staring up at the plan we’d put together so far regarding the gala. Having Bailey with us changed some of the aspects of it, but it wasn’t anything we couldn’t handle. The biggest problem was ensuring she stayed on target.

“It’s a war board,” I grumbled. “Not a vision board.”

Bailey smirked.Brat.“If you say so.”

“I do.” Strolling toward her, I added a small blue pin to the board where Kiernan had attached his bid token, signifying that his item had been accepted. The pin represented Bailey. “Now, the purpose of the gala is for Ava to help identify Elias’s top players. Her identifying the men Elias allowed into his home on business should narrow down the potential list of people who were supporting him prior to his death. This will also be where we can exchange the information on your father without being suspicious.”
