Page 74 of Stolen Obsession

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There was no doubt in my mind that this was Brittany, the woman Drew had been cheating on Bailey with. Everything about her was fake, and I couldn’t see the appeal. Her platinum blond hair was an obvious dye job, and her overly large breasts were too big on her stick frame to be real. Her face was wrinkle free and her lips looked almost cartoonish with how plump they were.

“I see your seller token,” I smirked, “yet I see no prized mare. Merely a cow parading as one. Tell me, what is the going price for used whores? Is it similar to getting used tires? You measure how loose their tread is?”

Dani snorted beside me, quickly covering it with a cough. The woman’s Botoxed lips curled with disdain, making her appear even uglier. Jesus, she looked more like a blow-up doll than a human.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Her expression was one of indignation, as if she couldn’t believe I would dare speak to her like that.

“I’m the man who’s going to take everything away from your boyfriend here,” I sneered. “So I’d get those Botox treatments in while you still can. Not that it will change much about that sour expression of yours. There’s only so much surgery can help with.”

Then I walked away.


Ten minutes.

Just ten more minutes.

The drive was hidden inside the small, corseted bra that was currently strangling my chest. I’d barely managed to hide it and get the comm in my ear with everything that had been going on today. From the moment the sun rose, Sarah had an army of hairdressers, waxers, and cosmetologists working on every part of my body until it had been time to finally leave on Drew’s right arm.

With Brittany on the left.

My heart had surged when I saw Kiernan entering the gala. Followed by a short plummet when I’d seen Dani on his arm. The two melded together perfectly. Model-like. They belonged on a runway, not in a charity gala with dirty roots.

Something was off.

After our short conversation, he’d turned off my side of the comm unit, which meant I couldn’t hear their side of the conversation. Kiernan wasn’t telling me something. There was a cast of hidden shadows behind his features that told me he was holding back.

I was missing something. It felt like I was sitting before a puzzle, but none of the pieces fit together. Drew, who’d spotted Kiernan when he’d walked through the door, had stiffened, his arm tightening on my shoulder. He knew who he was.

Until the night I’d come home, I’d thought Drew was simply…Drew. I’d known him since I was sixteen. He was ambitious and headstrong, but never once had I seen the type of proclivities that would have him taking part in sex trafficking. That was his father’s thing, not his.

Not that I had much to stand on. I’d been blind to his affair with my best friend, so it didn’t come as much of a surprise that I’d ignored his other faults as well. Speaking of my trashy ex-bestie. She wasn’t looking too pleased that I was hanging off his right arm. Her entire face was screwed up like she’d swallowed a lemon whole.

Hindsight was a bitch.

I’d known Brittany since college. We’d both been freshmen at UW. The one big difference being that I was seventeen, and she was two years older. I wasn’t sure how I’d missed it. When I looked back on our friendship, there were things that didn’t quite add up properly. I was a loner at college, mostly because no one seemed to want to interact with me. I’d chalked it up to being so young. Most people were a good year or two ahead of me. That and the fact that I had a bodyguard assigned to me at all hours of the day.

In the wake of the loneliness, I clung to my relationships with Brittany and Drew more, becoming emotionally dependent on the two. Which was why it had been such a low blow to see them in bed together.

It really shouldn’t have been.

Now I could see it for what it really was. Manipulation. I had a sneaking suspicion they’d been together long before we’d met. Not that it mattered now that I knew the truth.

A truth that would soon come to light.

Once Kiernan got me the hell out of here.

What I wanted to know was why Drew had a sellers pin on his lapel. I couldn’t see him putting Brittany up on the chopping block. The backstabbing Judas may have been dressed as if she were a prostitute, but honestly, that was just who she was. She’d always had the body of a stripper, and she’d never been afraid to flaunt it. I was a fan of oversized T-shirts and sweatpants myself.

Her bleach-blond hair hung in loose waves around her face, drawing attention to the layers of makeup she’d drowned herself in. She wore a glitter bodycon dress that exposed her oversized plastic breasts and ass.

Brittany’s focus steered to Kiernan as he strode past us and out of the room. Her eyes widened, and I could see the fear etched in her irises. She knew exactly who Kiernan was. Most people we’d seen tonight knew him as the business mogul, but she knew him as the heir to the Irish mafia. He was feared. Ruthless.

I wasn’t blind to that side of him or Seamus.

“I’ve got to run to the ladies’ room,” I whispered to Drew as demurely as I could. Drew glanced down at me before nodding his head.

“Remember what happens if you run,” he reminded me before turning back to greet another one of the men he was acquainted with. I didn’t bother to reply. Instead, I slowly made my way toward the corridor that led to the bathroom.
