Page 87 of Stolen Obsession

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“And you know this how?”

Kiernan flicked his gaze to me, and I nodded.

I truly felt sorry for Eriksen.

His whole world was about to be shifted out from under him.

The scream of pain he released as Kiernan showed him our proof left my soul aching. I knew exactly how it felt to lose everything. I’d always suspected that Katherine was dead, but to hear it from the mouth of the daughter I never knew I had shattered my world. Even further when she’d told me that Katherine hadn’t left me of her own free will.

I’d never get the love of my life back, but I had Ava and a drive for revenge. One I would never let go of, and the other…well, revenge was a dish best served cold.

“There’s a brothel,” he began, his voice thick with sadness. His jaw clenched. “I have a few spies there that help me get intel. They also get some of the women out from time to time if they can.”

“You think she’s at that brothel?” Seamus asked.

Eriksen nodded. “I got word a few days that security had suddenly increased. Crowe himself came down to pay a visit. That’s never happened before.”

“Have you heard from them since?”

He shook his head. “No.” He sighed. “But I can guarantee you that’s where they are. Crowe doesn’t visit his brothels. Ever. They’re run under a subsidiary company. His name isn’t anywhere under it so that nothing ties him back to them if they go down.”

“How do you know it’s his, then?”

Eriksen smirked. “Because the company it’s listed under is owned by Derik Cole.”

Dead men can’t own companies. Derik Cole was one of Elizabeth’s first victims. Hung himself from the rafters with pictures of his victims spread out beneath him. It had made national headlines. If the brothel was ever discovered, all anyone would find was a dead man’s name.

“Can your spies get her out?”

“Not with the extra security,” he admitted sadly. “All the girls are under lock and key under the main house. The only time they’re let out is if they’re needed upstairs for premier clients. That’s how I get my intel. One of the clients is a friend of mine. I wouldn’t be able to get new intel through him either. He only comes once a month, and if we break his pattern, they might suspect something.”

I nodded, understanding.

“Then I think it’s time we set our plan in motion.”

I glanced over at the boys. They nodded.

“And what is this plan?” Eriksen asked.

Smirking, I handed over a large manila envelope I’d brought with me.

“I think you’re going to enjoy this.”


“Make sure you do a good job this time,puttana,” Giuseppe spat at me as he exited the kitchen. “I’m tired of that burned shit you keep fixing every night.”

Keeping my eyes cast down to the floor, I muttered a weakyes, sirto appease him as I scuttled past his hulking frame. Clean. Get hit. Maybe get to eat. Sleep. Then rinse and repeat. That had been my life for the last few days. I hadn’t seen hide nor hair of the man I once called father, but Lina was around. Too much, in my opinion.

For example, here she was, sitting at the wobbly square piece of wood they thought they could call a table, scrolling through her tablet like it was just another day.

“Come sit down, Bailey,” she commanded haughtily. Bitch didn’t even look up from her screen.

“I’m supposed to be—”

“Did I ask you what you were supposed to be doing?” She snarled at me, her gaze lifting from her tablet to glare at me.

“No,” I whispered as I took a seat on the rickety stool across from her. It put me at a height disadvantage, but I figured that was the point whenever she had me sit here. To make me feel small and insignificant.
