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“Leigh. Leigh, wake up.” She shook Leigh’s shoulder gently.

Leigh’s eyes fluttered open. She looked so beautiful like this, all soft and open, and Morgan was taken once more with the desire to kiss her.

Engaged,she reminded herself firmly.

“We should get up.”

Leigh went bright red and immediately disentangled herself from Morgan. “I’m so sorry, Morgan. I don’t know what came over me.”

“It’s not your fault. You can’t help what you do in your sleep; neither can I, for that matter. You must have thought I was Jake.”

Leigh nodded, still red in the face. Morgan was sure that she must look similar. “I’m going to shower.” Leigh grabbed some fresh clothes and hurried into the bathroom.

Morgan went to stand guard outside the bedroom door. No way could her self-control handle seeing Leigh in nothing more than a towel when she came out of the shower. She was only human, after all.

Once Leigh was done in the shower, Morgan took her turn showering before joining Leigh and Jake for breakfast.

“I want to get someone in today to install bars on all the windows in the house, as well as locks on the bedroom doors. We are not having a repeat of last night.”

Jake nodded. “Agreed. We need to keep Leigh safe.”

“How long do you think this will all be necessary for? I mean, we can’t live locked in our home with bars on our windows forever.”

“It’ll be necessary until we catch whoever is behind this. As to how long that will take, I’m afraid no one will be able to give you an exact answer on that one. I’m hoping the police can pull some fingerprints off that knife, but if the person isn’t in the system, then that won’t be of much help.

“You can still keep living your life, though. I’m not saying you can’t leave the house; I’m just saying we need to be careful, more careful than before. I can’t be awake all night every night, so at least if we know your home is fully secure that will help. I’ll need to thoroughly vet each location we go to beforehand and ensure that it has an escape route should something go wrong. And I’m not leaving your side for anything until we have this maniac behind bars.”

“I won’t argue with you there. I don’t even want to think about what would have happened to me if you weren’t there last night.” Leigh was earnest and lovely.

“I’m also going to modify my schedule. I’m not leaving you alone, either—not until you’re safe.”

“That’s not necessary, Jake. That’s why we hired Morgan.”

“Two pairs of eyes are better than one,” Jake insisted.

“He’s right, Leigh. I’d appreciate his help. Unless you would prefer I requested an additional bodyguard from the company to help me? I’m sure that could be arranged.”

Leigh paled and shook her head vehemently. “No, I don’t want anyone else. Just you and Jake is fine.”

Morgan wondered about this reaction, but she didn’t suppose that Leigh was going to explain it to her any time soon.

“Do you have any plans for today? I think it’s better to stay home for today, just in case your stalker is still hanging around.”

Leigh shivered. “Yeah, I’m not leaving the house if you think he might still be nearby. I could use a massage. I think I’ll call Melanie and ask her if she can come here.”

“That’s a good idea. I also need to make some calls. I’ve got a company I trust who can do the bars and the locks.”

They spent the morning making calls and coordinating with the security company. Leigh paid a ridiculous amount of money to have them move her up in the line so that they could come and install everything today.

Once that was sorted, Melanie arrived for Leigh’s massage. Morgan waited outside the room, forced to listen to Leigh’s soft noises of pleasure, which somehow sounded more genuine than the noises she made when she and Jake were having sex.

She did her best not to let her imagination go into overdrive and failed miserably. By the time Leigh was done, Morgan was wet, horny and frustrated. She did her best to remain professional when all she wanted was ten minutes to herself in the bathroom.

She couldn’t afford to take the time for such concerns, though. She’d never forgive herself if something happened to Leigh because Morgan couldn’t keep her pants on.

She hoped that Leigh didn’t have any more massages in the near future. Morgan wasn’t sure if she could stand to hear one more soft moan from Leigh without escaping to the bathroom and rubbing herself frantically to orgasm.

Just the thought had her biting back a groan. Fuck, she desperately wanted to come, but that wasn’t an option. Leigh looked relaxed and bright-eyed and was already talking about taking a swim.
