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Morgan knew it was, but they had no chance to discuss it further, because Amanda and the paramedics were coming into the room.

Amanda insisted on being the one to ride with Leigh in the ambulance, and neither Leigh nor Morgan protested. Jake was out on a date with Mike, and it would look very suspicious if Leigh chose anyone other than him to take Amanda’s place beside her on her way to the hospital.

Morgan got into her car and followed the ambulance as quickly as she dared. By the time she arrived at the hospital, Leigh had already been taken into surgery to remove the bullet. She skulked in the background, eavesdropping on the conversation between Amanda and Leigh’s doctor.

It seemed that Leigh should make a full recovery. She’d have some rehab to do to get her arm working optimally again, but as long as she kept that up, she should be good.

This did little to ease Morgan’s guilt. Leigh would be in a sling for days and sore for weeks. She’d have months of rehab before she was completely right. Morgan should have been the one who got shot. She should be the one in surgery and in pain, not Leigh.

The realization dawned on her like stepping into a nightmare.

There was only one thing to do.

She had to break things off with Leigh.

The thought nearly brought Morgan off her feet. She staggered to the nearest chair. Only now did she realize just how deeply her feelings for Leigh ran. It was far more than great sex and it had been for a long time now.

The thought of being without Leigh felt worse than being shot, but Morgan had to put Leigh’s safety above anything else. Leigh had almost died because of Morgan’s feelings for her. Morgan had to take a step back.

She would never forgive herself if something happened to Leigh because of her. No matter how much it hurt her heart, she needed to put Leigh’s safety first.



“Morgan?” Leigh mumbled. She felt around in bed, but Morgan wasn’t there. The bed was strange, too—smaller than it should be.

“The bodyguard is waiting outside the door, where she belongs. Do you remember where you are?”

Leigh’s heart sank as the memories came back to her. “In the hospital.”

“That’s right.” Amanda looked up at her from over her iPad. “The surgery to remove the bullet went well. I’m flying in the best rehab specialists as we speak. You won’t have any lasting damage; I will make sure of it.”

“Thank you, Mom.” Leigh knew it was a bad idea, knew it would look suspicious, but she had to know. “Is Morgan alright? Why isn’t she here?”

“I sent her to stand guard outside the door. It’s not appropriate for her to be here when you’re practically naked.”

The flimsy hospital gown Leigh was in certainly didn’t cover much, but it was nothing Morgan hadn’t seen before—nothing she wasn’t intimately acquainted with. Of course, Leigh couldn’t say that.

“I see. Have the police been informed?”

“They have. They’re going over the crime scene at the house as we speak. Jake is talking to them. How are you feeling? Are you in pain?”

“Just a little. I think they have me on some pretty good painkillers. Mostly I feel tired.”

“Well, I’ll let you rest in a bit, but first, we need to talk, Leigh.”

Amanda fixed her with a steely gaze that never promised anything good.

Leigh gulped. “What is it?”

“I’ve requested a different bodyguard for you. Her company has excellent reviews, but this particular guard isn’t a good fit.”

“How can you say that? She just saved my life!”

“I’ve been watching her. I don’t like the way she looks at you. I think she has impure intentions toward you.”

Leigh’s breath caught in her throat. She decided to play dumb. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
