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“You know very well what I’m talking about, Leigh. You are not ignorant to the sins of this world. I think she might be a….lesbian…Tell me you haven’t seen it.”

“I haven’t seen it,” Leigh lied. “She’s just my bodyguard, nothing more.”

She had never been a good liar, so it was unsurprising that she wasn’t able to convince Amanda of her truthfulness now.

“You need to get rid of her.”

“No, I don’t! She saved me. I’m not firing her.”

“I think there’s more to it. I think you have impure intentions toward her.”

“How can you say that? I’m engaged to Jake!”

“And I’ve never seen the two of you so much as kiss!” Amanda shot back.

“So we’re not into PDA, sue us! I love Jake.” That much, at least, was true. She loved Jake as a dear friend and had for many years.

“If you truly have no feelings for this… woman… then you’ll do as I say and fire her. I will leave you to think on it, and on your future.”

Amanda left, leaving Leigh feeling like she was in a cold wind.

How could things have gone so wrong so quickly? Amanda wanting Morgan fired for incompetence was one thing. That was an easy enough charge to foil. Morgan was very good at her job and that wasn’t difficult to prove.

Amanda claiming Morgan hadimpure intentionstoward Leigh was much trickier, because Leigh was certain that Morgan’s intentions toward her were indeed far from pure.

Worst of all, if she didn’t do it, Leigh would be in danger of being discovered. She didn’t miss the veiled threat Amanda had left her with. Think about your future. If she did anything that even hinted at gay, she would be disowned.

Leigh wanted to scream. It was all happening too fast. She hadn’t put anything in place yet. She was supposed to have years to study and make herself employable before being forced into a position where she had to come out to her mother.

It slowly dawned on her. With mounting horror, Leigh realized what she needed to do. If she was going to protect herself and Jake, she would have to break things off with Morgan. Once Morgan was no longer guarding her, she would have no excuse to spend time with her.

Amanda would never accept a “friendship” between the two of them. They would have to break up for real.

Leigh felt tears sliding down her cheeks. The idea of being without Morgan felt like a punch to the gut. She had known for a while now that she was falling in love with Morgan, but she thought that some part of her had always known it was never meant to be.

True happiness had never been a reality for Leigh. These last few weeks with Morgan had been like a dream—the most pleasant dream Leigh could ever have imagined for herself—but it had to end. Leigh had to come back to reality. She had to go back to guarding her secret, to protecting herself.

How the hell was she going to convince Morgan? Morgan wouldn’t give up easily. She would fight tooth and nail for them, to give them a chance, but Leigh had to persuade her to give up, somehow.

The door opened and Leigh fought back a grimace as Morgan walked in. Up until a few minutes ago, she had been longing to see Morgan, but now, she wished only to delay the inevitable for a bit longer.

“How are you feeling?”

“I’ve been better.”

“Leigh, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”

“No, it’s not, Morgan. Please, don’t blame yourself.”

She could tell Morgan wasn’t taking her words to heart, but Leigh didn’t know how to convince her. She steeled herself to do what she knew she had to.

“Morgan, my mother knows. Or at least, she suspects. She wants you out of my life. I-I have to do it. If I don’t, she’ll know for sure, and I’ll be disowned. We can’t… we can’t be together anymore.” Leigh swallowed a sob on the last word, forcing herself to look into Morgan’s eyes.

“I understand.”


“I understand. I agree, it’s for the best.”
