Page 109 of The End of Me

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She sounds familiar, but it’s probably because she’s playing a classical piece. I stay there for a few minutes and drop some bills inside her case before the train arrives, and I have to leave. Her music is pulling me to her, demanding I stay. If I didn’t know better, I would think she was calling my name through her melody.



It’s almosttwo when I finally catch up with Piper, who’s been distracted since she arrived. She’s at her office staring at the monitor while holding a pen and twisting her lips.

“Are you okay?”

She glances at me and nods. Her body is here, but her mind is lost somewhere else.

I take her pen away. “Are you sure?”

Her beautiful eyes move back to the monitor. “Uh-huh.”

“You seem… I don’t know how to describe it.” I rub my chin. “Distracted. Is there anything I can do for you?”

She waves a hand. “I’m fine. There’s just so much I have to do before heading to Boston.”

I forgot she was heading there for the weekend. “Remind me again what you’re doing in New England.”

Piper leans forward and stares at her computer before her attention goes back to me. “One of Archer’s brothers is getting married. No one in the family likes this girl, and—” She taps her chest a few times. “I was in the subway, and I felt him.”

I blink a couple of times. “Him?”

She taps her engagement ring.

I close my eyes and shake my head. Should I contact her family? She’s definitely losing her shit. I dare to ask, “Do you think he’s back?”

She shrugs. “Don’t pay attention to me, okay? It might just be the pressure of having to attend a wedding. Zach is the first one to get married, and they’re making a big deal because it’s too soon.”

“Why are you so involved with your…?” I can’t say ex because they never broke up, nor can I call him her late fiancé because she doesn’t believe he’s dead. Talk about complicated and fucked up.

“I’ve known the St. Jameses since I was four. When their parents divorced, Arch became the peacekeeper. In his absence, I’m the one who’s trying to make sure things work smoothly among them. Plus, I love his siblings as if they were mine.”

Maybe I don’t understand because I’m not close to my family. If I helped Sharon, it was because of her children. Not that I could do much for her. She’s in jail, and her children live with her now ex-husband.

“So when are you leaving?”

She checks her watch. “I’m taking the four o’clock train to Boston. That’ll give me a few hours to review a manuscript and devise a plan.”

I can’t help but smirk as I remember the chapters she let me read a few months ago. “A manuscript or another round of kinky sex scenes?”

Her cheeks turn slightly pink. “I shouldn’t have let you read them.”

“They were good—better than porn.”

“Derek Farrow, stop!”

I can’t help but wiggle my eyebrows as I continue making her squirm. “I’m thinking sex with the fiancé was very vanilla.”

She points at me with a warning finger. “We’re not discussing my sex life.”

I shrug a shoulder as I tilt my head. Then I add, “Do you want me to tell you about my threesomes? I can give you my credentials. Eating pussy is my favorite hobby. I like to fuck a man while he satisfies our girl—or change roles. It’s all about making everyone feel good.”

She covers her ears. “Stop.”

“Fine, I’ll let this go, but promise to send me more of those chapters when you get them.”
