Page 88 of The End of Me

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F. Gil

To:F. Gil

From: P. Cooperson

Subject: Rude!

October 9th, 1:22 p.m. EST


Your email was insulting. I understand anonymity. Have you thought about using a pen name? Google it if you don’t know what it means. When we spoke to your lawyer, we advised him to create a pen name and open a company. If you’re too fond of your initials, it can be like: F. O. Gilbank.We could call you Frank O. Gilmore… there are so many names or combos that can keep your initials.

You want something totally different?

W. Anderson

There are many ways for you to be part of the film industry without using your real name. We know them, and we will help you as long as you are nice to us. We’re not your enemy, and we’re here to help.

Do you know what can help with your personality? Music.

Try listening to some classical music. New age can aid your needs too. You can download an app on your phone or tablet called Relaxtune.


P. Cooperson

To:P. Cooperson

From: F. Gil

Subject: Relaxtune?

October 9th, 1:49 p.m. EST

My apologies for the tone I used in my last email. The past few years have been rough, and it’s hard to keep my temper in check. How do you know my name is Finn? Are you spying on me?

I like the idea of creating a pen name, but I didn’t like any of your suggestions.

As long as I don’t have to be in the spotlight and you donate any royalties I make, I’ll sign the contract.


F. Gil

PS The app’s music is what I have on my playlist, but it sounds different, why is that?

To:F. Gil

From: P. Cooperson

Subject: Finn

October 9th, 2:17 p.m. EST

How did I figure out your name?
