Page 11 of Rialta

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The man laughs at the state of me.

“Pick him up.”

Two sets of arms lift me by my shoulders and drag me up the wooden stairs. My legs bounce on each step, digging wooden splinters into my shins.

I’m completely dead weight, unable to even open my eyes. I don’t bother trying, as I’ll need any strength I have for later, I’m sure. I wish Rialta would have killed me earlier. Whatever Andrea has in store for me will not mean a peaceful exit from this world.

They drag me down a hallway and stop to throw me into a wooden chair. They bind my ankles and wrists to the chair, ignoring the futility of the rope. I can’t walk; I’m no threat to them.

I should be in immense pain, but my nerves have been so overloaded that I physically can’t register pain anymore. Blood covers my naked skin more than my full-body tattoos.

“Lennox, so nice of you to join us,” Andrea says.

My head hangs, my eyes are still closed, and I don’t move at the sound of his voice. Only one voice is worth my energy in lifting my head.

“Yes, we thought you might want to join us for dinner,” Rialta says.

A tender smile spreads across my face as I force my swollen eyelids open to look at her. And I’m not disappointed when I see my girl. She’s in a skintight black dress, showing off her curves. Her hair is blow-dried in long waves.

“Stunning,” I croak out. I swear she blushes and then quickly gives me a stern look, annoyed she reacted to my compliment.

As much as I want to keep my eyes on her, I can’t. My head dips again.

“Help Lennox hold his head up,” Andrea barks, and then there are hands on my head holding it up.

“Better,” Andrea says. He pulls out a chair for Rialta, and she takes a seat at the small circular table filled with candles and roses in the center.

It’s meant to be romantic. It’s meant to drive me wild.

I won’t let it.

Andrea takes a seat across from her. A steak dinner and wine is already laid out on the table for them. My mouth salivates at the sight of food.

Even though I can barely think straight, I know this isn’t what I was brought up here to observe as they cut into their steaks and make idle talk.

I close my eyes, trying to rest. I try to understand what happened and what’s about to happen. But nothing is registering in my battered state.

“There are two ways to end your marriage. Your death…” Andrea says with a vicious smirk. “Which is inevitable, but that would make Rialta a widower—”

“And I’m no widower,” Rialta says with a dark tone.

“She deserves a true annulment. She deserves a reason that this marriage was never valid in the first place, so that when she marries me our marriage will be her true marriage, her only marriage,” Andrea continues.

I stare at Rialta, my breathing heavy in my chest as I try to figure out how Rialta’s feeling. She’s a brick wall of emotions. Is she really this emotionless about what’s about to happen? Or is it all a front? Are her emotions hiding beneath the cool exterior and she’s just proving how strong I knew she was this entire time?

Andrea nods, and his men start moving the table and chairs away while Andrea and Rialta stand. She’s still holding onto her wine glass, sipping it frequently. Liquid strength? Or enjoyment?

Two large black leather chairs are brought in for Andrea and Rialta to sit in, like they are thrones or something.

I gulp, knowing I’ll be their entertainment. I’m not sure my body can take anymore.

“Happy annulment day, baby,” Andrea says. He might be talking to Rialta, but he’s looking at me with a wicked smile. He’s going to enjoy what happens next far too much.

My eyes cut to the door as three women strut into the room. Black high heels adorn their feet, and thin strappy material barely covers their breasts and asses.

My head falls forward. My only salvation is that I can’t feel anything. I doubt my body will even react to the women. They can play with my body all they want—it belongs to Rialta. It will only react for her.

The women stop on either side and in front of me. Then my head is lifted by the woman to my left until I’m looking at the woman kneeling between my legs. She has fiery red hair, fake eyelashes, and red lipstick to match her hair.
